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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.



Name: Michael Morgan

Year: Freshman

Major: Entrepreneurship and Finance

Single or Taken: Single

Hobbies: Anything pertaining to music, especially discovering new music. When it’s nice out, you’ll probably see me with a frisbee or a volleyball.  

Hidden Talent: I come from a long line of musicians, going back into the late 1800’s.  I’ve been a drummer since I was only four years old.

Qualities I look for in a girl: Definitely outgoing, and someone who I can talk to for hours.  Not texting, just someone I can talk to and never get bored with it.  And if she likes going out and doing things, and not just staying in all the time, that’s definitely a plus.

Something on your bucket list: To change the world.  Not altogether, but someone’s world.  I want to get into crowdfunding, and provide people with brilliant ideas the resources to make their dream come true.

In 10 years you’ll find me: Hopefully traveling the world owning my own business.  Those two things are my life dreams all mixed together.

Proudest Moment: I played a show at a jazz festival my senior year, and a graduate from Berklee University, Steven Enos, came up to me personally and wanted to help me continue my music career.  Not calling him is also probably my biggest regret.

Celeb Crush: Kate Upton

Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.