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Lubna Najjar Talks About her Experience at Kent State

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

It was on a pleasantly warm summer evening in Columbus, Ohio that I had the opportunity to attend my first real fashion event. I had been waiting for weeks to get a reply from one of the many local fashion designers that I had found living in my hometown. I had my fingers crossed for a reply, but it started to seem hopeless after two weeks of no responses. Finally, I received an invite to a launch party for Il Moda. I had absolutely no idea what a launch party was, but I was so excited to attend.

That weekend, I showed up to the party to find red velvet ropes along with a cupcake and champagne tower. I ended up meeting Lubna Najjar there, along with a few other influential people including Mayor Michael B Coleman. This was the night that my love for everything fashion truly began.

Lubna Najjar was born in Jordan. She later moved to Ohio and attended Kent State University from 2004-2008 and graduated with a bachelor’s in political science. She now has a very impressive public relations company, Il Moda, along with her own fashion design company, Lubna Designs. She has been featured on Good Morning America, the Huffington Post, local magazine, Capital Style, and many more. She is a part of Fashion Week Columbus, and she is senior vice president of Social Magazine.

Lubna is proof of how successful Kent State graduates can become, and I can’t wait to see what great things she does in the future. I got to ask her a few questions about her time at KSU. Keep reading to see what she had to say.                        

HerCampus: Why did you choose to come to Kent State University?

Lubna Najjar: The business program and study abroad options.


HC: What is one piece of advice that you learned freshman year of college?

LN: Always keep school your focus and enjoy your time.


HC: What is your favorite memory from KSU?

LN: My study abroad adventure in Geneva, Switzerland.


HC: Do you have any advice for current fashion students here at KSU?

LN: I would say work really hard and get as many internships as you can. The more experience you have in your field, even as an intern, the more impressive you are in front of your employers upon graduation. Focus on your fitness, health and enjoy every day because life gets real when you graduate.

I am a freshman in Fashion Merch. I currently run my personal blog (The Brooklyn Script) and have always loved writing and blogging. I am also on hall council and a member of FSO. I am from Columbus, OH.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.