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Let’s talk about exes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

We’ve all been there. With great love comes great heartbreak. You suddenly realize what all the songs you’ve listened to actually mean. You might even try to rebound just to forget your ex only to realize that makes you miss your ex even more. It’s too sudden, you weren’t ready to refer to them in the past tense. Someone who was once your whole world is now just a stranger. Just remember you are not alone.  

Here’s what four anonymous people revealed about their exes and how they got over their breakups.

What was the worse breakup you’ve ever experienced?

Person 1:  “He told me that he was going out with some of his friends so I went out with some of my girlfriends. Well obviously he didn’t go out with his guys because I saw him with his ex at the Mount Washington outlook. I’ve never felt so betrayed and stupid all at the same time. We had a big fight right then and there, but good thing I had my friends with me otherwise things would have gotten really out of hand. He tried apologizing but I was screaming too loud to hear.”

Person 2:  “I drove out to see him at Slippery Rock because it was our anniversary and I wanted to celebrate it with him.  When I got there he didn’t even remember it was our anniversary and he broke up with me because of the long distance and he felt like I didn’t care. Needless to say I drove back crying my eyes out. I later found out he was cheating on me.”

Person 3:  “It basically ended with a full-blown crazy. She found out I was going to break up with her so she came to my house and pushed through the door and basically ransacked my entire room: flipped my bed, knocked down my dressed, threw everything off my desk, etc. The craziest part was when she tried to light everything on fire.”

Person 4: “She changed her relationship status to single on Facebook and then I was like okay I guess we’re not together anymore.”

How did you know you were over your ex or are you not over your ex?

Person 1:  “That was the first time I had ever gotten my heart broken and I don’t think anyone is ever prepared to get their heart broken.  It took me four months even though he was a jerk! After it all though I feel stronger like a brand-new person. If you are excited for the future and can see that the relationship was a learning experience then that’s when you know you are truly over it.  All the hurt is gone.”

Person 2:  “I still miss him, it’s not as often as it used to be but I still think about him. I miss the memories, you know, the good times. I don’t think I’m over him just yet. He’s a good guy. If he came to my door saying he wants me back then I’d probably get back together with him.”

Person 3:  “Over it, yes. I know because I don’t want anything to do with her. I used to feel really mad and sad but now I can just see her and feel nothing.”

Person 4:  “This isn’t the same girl I was talking about earlier but this girl, we lived together so she had a lot of stuff she just left here. After that, everything was just a harsh reminder that we were over so I angrily gave all her stuff back and it upset me. Recently I found something of hers in my closet and it didn’t even phase me that’s when I was like yeah I’m over it.”  

What is the worse way you’ve broken up with someone?

Person 1: “I’ve only been in one relationship”

Person 2: “I’ve been on a on again off again relationship with the same guy since I can remember. The first time we broke up I literally just ghosted him.”

Person 3: “I told everyone but her that we broke up so I could flirt with this other girl in chemistry class. I should have just manned up and broke it off.”

Person 4: “I’ve cheated before. We were long distance and I just wasn’t all in, you know. I just met a girl that I liked better here and checking in all the time was annoying. I broke up with my girlfriend during winter break she had no idea what went wrong and I couldn’t tell her. It was pretty douche-y.”

How do you know when a relationship should end?

Person 1: “When you stop respecting the other person and stop communicating. Those two things I think are really important in a relationship so when you lose that everything else is going to crumble.”

Person 2: “When there is too much hurt and not enough love.  When the thing you love most is the idea (of the other person) and how it used to be rather than the person standing in front of you.”

Person 3: “ I don’t know really. I guess there comes a certain point where both people are utterly miserable and then it just sucks so it has it end, I guess.”

Person 4: “When you and your partner want different things or when everything about the other person becomes annoying to you.”

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Mira Hoo

Kent State

Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.