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How to Stay Motivated As The Weather Gets Colder

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

As fall progresses the weather begins to get colder and colder and students start to lose motivation to get work done. With the highs being in the 40s, leaving our rooms and going outside seems extremely unappealing. The cold weather can make it easy for us to bundle up under our covers and burrow in our beds all day. Waking up in the morning and having to leave your warm bed and step out into the cold autumn air can be hard and unmotivating.

One way we can keep ourselves motivated during the colder days is to make sure we dress warm. Instead of stepping out of your bed and wanting to hop right back in because you miss the warmth, make sure to have a sweatshirt you can easily grab and some cozy slippers and socks to wear when leaving your room. Making sure to dress warm is really important to drive you to get work done and also helpful in making sure you stay healthy. 

Keeping a schedule of all your assignments and other activities you have is also important. Set time for yourself to get everything done, but ensure that you leave yourself some free time to relax or socialize. Balancing work and life is important especially as the weather gets cooler. Having time set aside for work as well as extra time is vital to making sure you stay focused and finish everything on time. The cold weather has been known to make people sad or depressed, so leaving time for friends and fun is key to surviving the colder months. 

When you have a pile of work you have to get done, but your bed is just too cozy, try to set a timer for when you’re going to get out. This will help motivate you to step out of bed and finish up your work. You can also take a walk around to motivate yourself more and get yourself out and about and moving. Taking breaks from work to move around or switch locations can help you stay energetic and productive. Waking up your body by moving around, changing locations or grabbing a snack also drives you to get work done. 

One of my favorite ways to stay motivated and complete all my work by the deadline is to take breaks and reward myself. Grabbing a coffee or sweet treat helps keep me on track and stay focused. You should put your phone away and give yourself an hour to concentrate solely on completing an assignment, before letting yourself have a break to scroll on your phone, walk around, or play a game. Leaving time in between assignments to give your brain a break is important to your productivity and producing your best work. 

Make sure to use any of these tips so you don’t fall behind in the colder months to come. Plan out how best to stay motivated and don’t let the weather affect your mood or productivity. Staying focused and completing work will make you feel so much better about yourself and keep you happy and healthy throughout the fall and winter.

Talia Milewich

Kent State '27

Talia is a freshman majoring in journalism with a minor in photography. In her free time she enjoys going to concerts, reading, and going to coffee shops!