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How To Combat Your First Week Senioritis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Can you believe that just three years ago you were a careless freshman walking around campus? Back then, you never thought this time would come. Well, it did and you’ve already begun your epic senior year. It’s safe to say you’re PUMPED… for the most part. Everything’s going great except for the fact that it’s the second day of classes and your Senioritis has already hit. Your first few classes are a repeat of what you have already taken (unless you’re in Law of Advertising and PR, because girl, let me tell you; I learned a bunch of new things that I didn’t know before.) You’re bored for now, but once all of the work starts you’ll just want to skip class and go to Target or go hangout with your friends.

How are we going to the beat this Senioritis that has already started?

First, do your homework OUTSIDE. Let’s be real, we know this beautiful weather isn’t going to last forever in Kent. So you may as well enjoy it while doing things that are necessary for having a bomb dot com semester! 

Second, we are all really busy, but it’s really important to take a few hours each week to do things that you really enjoy, like going to Target and spending the money you don’t have or going to your favorite bars downtown. Taking time for yourself will help with your Senioritis, because one of the reasons it happens is you’ve become so overwhelmed with projects and papers. So if you’re ever debating that Thursday night out (unless you really shouldn’t go…) just GO, but make sure to get down what you need to do the next day!

Third, give yourself something to look forward to for when you accomplish certain academic goals. For example, treat yourself to a concert, getting a manicure or going on a weekend trip after you pass a really difficult exam. Don’t allow yourself to do these things until you accomplish your goals! 

Lastly, get involved with something new! Senioritis usually comes from boredom and comfortability. Since Blastoff was canceled this year due to bad weather, head out to Black Squirrel Festival on Sept. 9 from noon- 5 p.m. Although BSF is for more than just student organizations, there will be some clubs out there that you’ve probably never heard of. You may find a new group that you will fall in love with.

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Danie Minor

Kent State

Hey there! My name is Danie Minor, and I am a recent graduate of Kent State. I was a PR major who minored in Fashion Media Writing. I am currently on the job hunt and would love to work within the lifestyle PR realm. I am a city girl from the D.C. metro area. Make sure you check out my personal blog: Definingdanie.com! You can also find me on socialite @danieminor13!
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.