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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

What gift should you get for all of the men in your life during this holiday season? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Since the season of giving is finally here, it’s better to get a head start on your holiday shopping sooner rather than later. I have compiled two lists: gifts under $50 and gifts under $100. And keep in mind– the best gifts are not always the most expensive. Gift-giving should be fun and thoughtful, so don’t feel obligated to spend as much money as you can. Have fun with it!

Gifts Under $50

To start off this gift guide I want to preface that majority of the time the best gifts are actually not the most expensive. It’s so important to base your gift around what they actually like and what their hobbies are. No one wants to receive a gift that has no connection to them whatsoever right? Here are some easy gift ideas for under $50


For the Coffee Enthusiasts

For the Fashion Enthusiasts 

For the Workout Enthusiasts

For the Tech Enthusiasts


Gifts Under $100 


For the Coffee Enthusiasts

For the Fashion Enthusiasts 

For the Workout Enthusiasts

For the Tech Enthusiasts

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok from Pexels

I hope your holiday season is filled with love, happiness and joy. Happy Holidays!

Livi Harmat

Kent State '23

Livi is a junior studying Fashion Merchandsing at Kent State University. In her free time, Livi can be found taking photos, reading, and going to trendy (but yummy) restaurants
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.