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Getting Through Homesickness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

We are starting the sixth week of school now and you are now in full swing of your classes! I feel like the “real-ness” of college is also setting in! And, for some of us, the homesickness is setting in.

What is homesickness? Homesickness is the longing for home and family while absent from those things. I want to start off by saying that homesickness is VERY normal and it is okay to be homesick, as long as you do not let that homesickness take over your life. Homesickness can affect anyone, and can impact us when we move to new surroundings and experience new situations and people to which we are not accustmed to. 

The first thing you have to do when you notice homesickness coming around is to take action! It is important to “talk about your feelings”. Yes, that is a very therapist-type thing to say, but it needs to happen. You can talk to your RA, your roommate, your advisor, your school’s personal counselor or even a Religious Leader on your campus. There will always be someone there to help and talk to you. 

 It is important to stay busy and not let that homesickness set it. At Kent State, there are around 300 student organizations that you can join! Whether you want to go Greek, or join Running Club there is something for you. Something that is really important for getting over your homesickness is making new friends, and joining a new organization is a great way to do that! Also, every dorm has floor events. Go to them! I made so many awesome friends last year from my floor, including one of my best friends! 

We all know about the “Freshman 15″… so whatever you do, DO NOT turn to food to cope with your stress and homesickness. What you could turn to is exercise! Kent State has an amazing Rec Center. Go with your new friends and set a schedule for yourself. 

We are so blessed that we have the technology that we do. You can set up FaceTime/Skype dates with your loved ones that you are missing. Whenever I am missing home, my favorite thing to do is have my sister FaceTime me while she is with my cat! She is usually the one I miss the most, because I can’t just pick up my phone to text or call her. 

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Danie Minor

Kent State

Hey there! My name is Danie Minor, and I am a recent graduate of Kent State. I was a PR major who minored in Fashion Media Writing. I am currently on the job hunt and would love to work within the lifestyle PR realm. I am a city girl from the D.C. metro area. Make sure you check out my personal blog: Definingdanie.com! You can also find me on socialite @danieminor13!
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.