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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

It took me having to walk across campus for classes in the cold to learn how to dress warmly. Eighteen years of life wearing big jackets and still shivering, coming inside with tingly limbs every single time, and I am only just now realizing that it is possible to dress for the bitter cold.

I cannot stress layering enough. Something that I have been doing for longer than a month is doubling up on socks. I used to get teeny bits of frostbite, and my doctors yelled at me to take care of myself a little more. Thus I started wearing two pairs of socks, and I would argue that it works exceptionally well. Particularly for shoes that are not made for the wintertime. I often wear Converse or my Reeboks, and those do next to nothing for keeping me warm.

Doc Martin boots in snow
Original photo by Caroline Webster

Socks are not the only thing I like to layer. Upper body layers are the most important. That’s probably because of your organs or something. All I know is that adding more around your torso will help so much. On only slightly colder days, I prefer to wear a tighter tank top, a hoodie and then my coat. However, on the days when I fear walking outside, I wear a tank top, a long sleeve, a hoodie and a jacket. I really try to focus on keeping in my body heat while having the option to shed layers for when I am inside. I hate nothing more than being stuck in sweaty and gross clothes.

Also, I have found that a sports bra can do an incredible job of keeping your body temperature on the more pleasant side. I am not sure what it is about sports bras specifically, but they are my first choice on chilly days.

I somehow do not own any leggings. Otherwise, I know for a fact that that would be good to layer under your jeans or other really any other pants. I suffer from having cold knees when I am out and about, no matter the thickness of my pants. It is common to get a pair of leggings that matches your skin tone so that you can wear them with ripped jeans or even under a skirt or dress. I love the look of winter outfits that center around skirts and tights. We should not have to sacrifice our cute clothes all because of Ohio weather.

My gloves are also a lifesaver. Mine, in particular, are not anything special, just a black pair with the touch screen ability. They keep me warm and toasty despite making the flawed choice of getting an iced drink (most likely an iced chai) to walk across campus in my already cold hand. I often give one to my best friend while she also carries a cold coffee of some sort.

Lastly, I encourage a hat. Personally, I am not a hat girl, and I do not think I ever will be, but they are so good at maintaining your heat. I would recommend having a good hat for the winter to complete your success of staying warm. I considered some fuzzy earmuffs (my mom probably physically cringed when she read that), but I just have not found a pair that I really like. Scarves are another thing I love, but I cannot bring myself to wear them for some reason. Maybe I will get around to getting better at this dressing-for-the-weather thing.

So, please layer up these next few months. It is bound to get colder, and we need to take better care of ourselves. At least, I know I do. Or maybe just get some cozy pajamas and stay inside, with some hot chocolate and a movie.

Hevin Wilkey

Kent State '25

Hevin Wilkey is a second year journalism major with a public relations minor. She is a writer for Kent's chapter of Her Campus. She spends most of her time doing homework, journaling or somewhere drinking boba.