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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Lately, I’ve seen a lot of articles written about the undying love we each have for our moms. You all know what I’m talking about. These articles explain just why we call or text our mom at least four times a week: Either to fill her in on our latest dating fail or ask how to get last night’s lipstick stain out of our favorite shirt. While I am indeed THAT girl and my mom is absolutely my best friend, I sometimes worry that sharing all those articles on Facebook might make my dad feel he is somehow less important to me.

Let’s go back about 10 years. I got to hangout with my mom a lot more than my dad growing up simply because she was usually the one picking us up from school or running us to practice and my dad was busy building his business. Please don’t be fooled, though. My dad isn’t one of those men whose mind is stuck in the 1950’s: letting my mom do all the work at home. He was and still is a very active participant in my life, always finding time to make my brother and I feel loved.

My dad is one of my favorite human beings. It’s funny to think that he received his degree in teaching before moving onto law school because my dad is undoubtedly one of my favorite teachers. From how to properly shoot a soccer ball to bargain shopping to a humble work ethic; My dad has taught me it all. While all this is good to know, it’s the way my dad’s world lights up when my Aunt Jill comes home from Texas or the hours he will spend searching for a reliable car to keep my brother safe from across the state of Michigan that makes me admire him the most. He cares more for his family and people around him than he cares for himself.

All I’m saying is that while there is such a sense of “mom love” going around, let’s not forget all the amazing the dads out there. Remember when he took care of that humongous spider looming above your bed? Or when he ran to Walgreens to pick up a box of tampons for you because your period decided to show up a week early? Or the many times a guy made you feel undateable, but a hug from your dad instantly made you realize there were still good and decent guys out there because you were raised by one? I do.

So Dad, if you’re reading this while jamming out to .38 Special or Journey in your office back home, please know that you are just as loved, just as admired and just as important to me as Mom. She may be my best friend but you are my guidepost and my rock. I literally would not be where I am today without you and your undying belief in me. I am eternally grateful and proud to be your little girl.

Krista is a fashion merchandising and marketing student at Kent State University. Obsessed with hot chocolate, hockey, and how-to videos, she's just a girl from the Mitten State making her way to the Big Apple.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.