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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

What every girl needs in her wardrobe this season is a cape. Owning multiple capes has changed my life. Not only are you basically walking to class in a blanket, you also look like you have your life together. Who said that looking fashionable had to be a lot of work?

Being a fashion major, I have to attempt to make myself look like a human on occasion when going to class. It’s a struggle, I know. Even if you don’t feel like putting effort into yourself, (which I rarely feel like doing) throwing on a cape will make people think you are stylish and polished. It’s like you’re a legitimate super hero. You’re Super Chic: the fashion avenger, or you know whatever floats your boat.  

Say you’ll remember me, standing in a nice cape staring at the…wait those aren’t the lyrics? Huh, weird. That’s totally what she meant to sing.  

Even Tswift’s squad members are joining in on the cape trend. Take tips from Karlie and toss a side over your shoulder to change up your look. 

Stop your cape from blowing away in the Ohio wind with a belt! It also gives you shape when you want it, so win-win situation here.

Not only will every girl want to steal your cape, your boyfriend will too.

Can’t decide on which cape to wear? Wear both! There are no rules here, or judgement. 

Can’t find an actual cape and only have a decorative throw blanket? Tie it like this to fool the world. Again, you call the shots.

When in doubt, cape it out. 

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Gina D'Amico

Kent State

Hi! My name is Gina D'Amico and I'm a senior fashion merchandising major at Kent State. I'm from Pittsburgh but I love to wander the world. I have a love for pugs, fashion, and carbs. You can often find me watching lifetime movies with a full sleeve of oreos. 
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.