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Six Books About Female Empowerment for Women’s History Month

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

In honor of Women’s History Month, here’s a list of book recommendations that feature strong female protagonists at their center. The list features a number of different genres so if you are looking to delve into genres try reading some of these. The books listed are in no particular order as they are all equally good.

The Paris Apartment By Lucy Foley

Jess initially arrives in Paris in search of a new start as she has convinced her half-brother Ben to let her stay at his apartment. The night she arrives is extremely strange as she has difficulties getting in touch with Ben; however, she shortly discovers that Ben has gone missing. Jess then takes it upon herself to search for her half-brother as she knows that Ben would never disappear on his own. Especially due to the fact that the other residents of the apartment seem to all have interesting connections to Ben. In addition to their odd behavior causing them to all be suspects in Jess’ search. Without a doubt “The Paris Apartment” is an interesting read as Jess, like many of the other female characters, possesses a strong determination that entrenches herself and readers more into the mystery. The book also has an excellent plot twist that I can guarantee you will not see coming.

We sold Our SOuls By Grady Hendrix

A good number of Granny Hendrix’s horror novels have females as leads but, “We Sold Our Souls” in particular has in my opinion the strongest female lead. The story follows Kris Pulaski who is a former guitarist for the heavy metal band Dürt Würk. The band broke up in the 1990s when their lead singer Terry Hunt, now known as Koffin, decided to go solo shortly after the band released one of their best albums. Now manager of a Best Western, Kris’ unhappy life is interrupted when she discovers that Koffin’s success may be in a large part due to selling their souls. She makes such a discovery as a result of Koffin’s tour announcement prompting her to speculate that this tour may lead to something bigger. Kris’ determination shines throughout the book as the number of challenges she deals with only causes the reader to wonder what will stop her.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue By V.E. SChWAb

Not only is “The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” an interesting read but also Addie herself is a strong female character. The story follows Addie shortly after she makes a bargain to live forever but the only problem is that no one will be able to remember. This then causes her life to be lonely and isolated until she meets Henry, the only person who can remember. The two then strike up a romance that seems perfect at first but slowly becomes more complicated once secrets are revealed. The story is definitely fascinating but it’s Addie’s determination and quick thinking that causes her character to stand amongst the others making it an even more enjoyable read.

Writers & Lovers By Lily King

This is the perfect book to read if you want to feel better. The book is set in the ’90s as it follows Casey Peabody who is not only grieving the death of her mother but also a recent breakup. In addition, Casey is still attempting to become a writer. However, her life is anything far from perfect as she waits tables at Harvard Square and is currently renting a tiny room by a garage. Over the course of the story, she falls in love with two men and is tasked with choosing between the two yet neither of them are perfect, allowing for it to be a difficult decision. Although the story is primarily a romance, Casey’s realistic and genuine personality makes her seem like someone that you may already know. This then causes the reader to genuinely care about her and her choices.

Much Ado About Nothing By William Shakespeare

Since I’m a Shakespeare fan, I could not help but put “Much Ado About Nothing” on the list as Beatrice is arguably the best female character Shakespeare wrote. The play follows Claudio as he is attempting to make Hero fall in love with him. Another plot is between the bickering Benedict and Beatrice who can not stand each other’s company. Claudio’s attempts at winning Hero are interrupted by Don John’s attempts to ruin their happiness in a series of mix-ups. In addition to some meddling to bring Benedict and Beatrice together. Although Hero may not be an interesting character, without a doubt Beatrice is with her sharp tongue and witty remarks. In all honesty, she makes the play a more interesting read as a number of times she is providing the humor.

Bunny By Mona Awad

The story follows graduate student Samantha Heather Mackey or as she is referred to by her only friend Ava, “Smackie.” She attends a fiction writing cohort with a clique of girls who refer to each other as “Bunny.” She despises them and their wealth until she is invited to join one of their “Smut Salons.” After such only falls deeper into the bunny hole becoming more and more like the other bunnies putting a rift between her and Ava. All the female characters in the story offer compelling characters for different reasons whether they are meant to be the protagonists or antagonists.

Now it’s up to you which of these books to read next. Even if you choose not to read one of those I do recommend reading a book either written by a female author or one with a female lead since it is Women’s History Month. As always, happy reading!

Adriana Gasiewski

Kent State '25

Adriana Gasiewski is junior journalism major with a minors in Italian and English. Besides being the Partnership Coordinator and on the editorial team for Her Campus, she is also the women and accessibility beat reporter for KentWired as well as a web writer for A Magazine and Spoon University. Some of her favorite things to do besides writing include reading, drawing and listening to music.