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BeReal isn’t for Them…Big Brands need to Be-Elsewhere

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Brands don’t need to “BeReal.” They need to BeGone and give us one platform that doesn’t have ads and oversaturated promotions from influencers. I don’t need to see “funny” brand content from the offices of companies like Chipotle and Sephora. In today’s world, there are over 50+ apps and sites considered social media and every single one of them has advertising and influencers actively trying to get our attention as we scroll, tap or swipe. Most people I know have at least three major social media apps, and we can constantly talk about new products and things we’ve seen advertised to us. And here’s the thing: I know YOU add people on BeReal, so it’s not like I’d be forced to see what Samsung has to BeReal about today, but that isn’t the point. Gen Z has grown up as the first generation to be entirely surrounded by technology from birth, and we’ve never known anything different. We’ve never seen a time that didn’t include computers at the tips of our fingers, constant contact across the world and thousands of opinions all at once from online. Don’t get me wrong- it’s incredible and not something we appreciate enough. BUT… no matter whom you follow, don’t follow or want to see on social media, there is always the in-between content we don’t have control over. This is sponsored posts, explore pages, advertisements, videos between scrolling, “watch to continue,” and so much more that interrupt how we exist and move through social media. 

Big brands on social media today are less “should we join” and more “we have to join.” Brands like ELF had a promotion for the first 150 followers of their BeReal account, promising exclusive looks at products and what being an employee is like at their company. I’m not going to lie; it’s enticing. The problem is that no matter where we go, brands can’t help but follow. I know; as I said, no one is forced to add or follow anyone on BeReal which is excellent, but if you think about every social media site and its evolution… they all end up with some built-in ad feature or influencer telling you to try this next new thing. This whole article spurred with a different article on the Business of Fashion about big brands in fashion on BeReal and the challenges they face. The rise of TikTok has created a far less serious take on advertising and content creation but transferring that to BeReal is a whole new level of spontaneity and casual advertising. 

BeReal wasn’t built for this marketing world like every other social media site has been adopted to fit. The app doesn’t have monetization for brands or influencers to make money, there are no ads currently run on the app, photos disappear after a day and there isn’t a way to actually track how content performs. It seems pretty evident that this means BeReal wasn’t built to be home to all these brands, but they’re still fighting for a place at the table, even though there’s no way for them to know if they’re gaining anything from it. I want at least one social media platform that doesn’t make me feel targeted, analyzed and stressed. BeReal is for my friends, family and I to take funny photos, stay updated on our lives when we aren’t close and have fun. The beauty of the app is how little energy it drains from using it. And I don’t mean phone battery; that would be TikTok or Snapchat. I mean mental battery. I open the app, take my silly little photos, go through my short little feed, maybe post a reaction to someone’s post and then close the app. It’s the perfect little social media fix and status update to those you care about without the intense formatting, aesthetic pressure and perfect nature that most other sites have cultivated. So, big brands? BeFFR and let us have one platform that doesn’t feel like we’re being chased by your shop buttons, links and sponsored content. Let us just BeReal without you interfering. 

Mary Taylor

Kent State '23

Hi! My name is Mary :) I'm a part of the Kent State University Her Campus chapter. I love fashion, politics/social justice, family and friends. I'm a huge reader and am always down to talk about new series. Spending the day at an art museum, book store, with people I care about, or just relaxing at home is my ideal way to relax. I also am a huge advocate for mental health-related resources.