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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Can you imagine anything better than an afternoon full of pugs, other types of dogs and awesome weather?

No? Neither can I, but on Sunday One of a Kind Pets of Akron held its first-annual Pug Fest, an outdoor festival where pug owners bring their dogs for a costume contest, a best-named pug contest and to meet other pugs!

There were so many dogs dressed up as adorable characters; from lobsters to tacos to butterflies and the three little pigs, there were so many costumes.

In addition to all of the fun activities, there were also pugs and puggles (pug/beagle mix) up for adoption, which was a main goal of One of a Kind Pets for this event. Those interested in adopting these dogs have to apply online through the Ohio Pug Rescue. According to a comment on the Pug Fest’s Facebook event page, “Ohio Pug Rescue takes it super serious and they do home checks.”

I do not know who was more excited, the pugs or the attendees of the event. Every which way you turned there were dogs everywhere. This event was perfect for my friends and I who are currently stressing about the semester. In addition to the different competitions there today, there were various tables selling merchandise and treats for both the dogs and their humans.

If you are ever looking for a stress-reliver, definitely look into volunteering or just playing with the dogs and cats at One of a Kind Pets in Akron.

Want to see more pictures of Pug Fest 2016? Search the hashtag #PugFest2016 on Instagram! 

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Danie Minor

Kent State

Hey there! My name is Danie Minor, and I am a recent graduate of Kent State. I was a PR major who minored in Fashion Media Writing. I am currently on the job hunt and would love to work within the lifestyle PR realm. I am a city girl from the D.C. metro area. Make sure you check out my personal blog: Definingdanie.com! You can also find me on socialite @danieminor13!
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.