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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Pumpkin spice is a controversial subject. People either thrive on this fall flavor or despise it with every fiber of their being. However there is so much more to this fall fruit than meets than eye, and so many more ways to enjoy it than a pumpkin spice latte. As a matter of fact, pumpkin is one of the healthiest fruits out there, and offers tons of great vitamins and minerals to prevent illness and boost immunity. From keeping your heart healthy, improving your eyesight and maintaining your clear skin, pumpkin does it all. Granted, the pumpkin that is in your latte or sugary cookie is not the pumpkin that will give you these benefits, but there are plenty of pumpkin treats out there that will.

As someone who is obsessed with all things fall, pumpkin is an essential to my everyday autumn routine. While pumpkin pie and cookies are delicious, having them everyday to fulfill my pumpkin craving is not the best idea. So to help us all get our daily dose of pumpkin, I’ve compiled a list of my top 10 favorite pumpkin foods, made with real pumpkin and full of the festive flavor. Whether you are already a pumpkin fanatic and want some new ways to enjoy it, or you are skeptical about the season’s craze, here are some of my favorite pumpkin spice creations!

1. Nature’s Path Pumpkin Spice Waffle

Truly one of the best ways to start your morning, especially if topped with a little bit of maple butter. So good you will probably want to eat them any meal of the day.

2. Better Half Pumpkin Spice Half & Half

Basically an at home pumpkin spice latte, but healthier. This creamer is made with real pumpkin puree and is dairy free with no added sugar. 

3. Pumpkin Spice Cheerios

Surprisingly, this flavor of Cheerios actually has less sugar than many of the other sweet Cheerios flavors like apple cinnamon or honey nut. Plus, it is gluten free and made with real pumpkin puree. 

4. Chobani Pumpkin Greek Yogurt

Even if you are not a fan of Greek yogurt, this flavor tastes like ice cream. It even has 12 grams of protein and is made with real pumpkin. 

5. Philadelphia Pumpkin Cream Cheese

This spread has been around for years and almost always sells out. I put it on bagels, toast, fruit, or honestly just off the spoon. 

6. Annie’s Vegan Mac and Cheese

Since this pasta is vegan, the sauce is made with pumpkin and sweet potato, which in my opinion are two of the most delicious fall flavors out there. The best part is that this isn’t specifically for fall, so it is sold year round. 

7. Pumpkin Spice Sweet Terra Chips

If you are a fan of potato chips and haven’t tried the Terra brand, start now. They have every root vegetable in chip form from normal potatoes to purple sweet potatoes. Not to mention they are made with only a little bit of oil, no added anything, but they still satisfy that salty snack craving. 

8. Pumpkin RX Bar

Most protein bars are made with powders and questionable preservatives, but these bars are made with just egg whites, figs, and nuts. It’ll give you tons of protein and unlike some pumpkin protein bars, really has a strong pumpkin flavor. .

9. Nature’s Bakery Pumpkin Fig Bar

This bar is soft and chewy and totally tastes like a pastry. It will satisfy your cravings for something sweet without being high in sugar and reminds you of pumpkin bread. 

10. Halo Top Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream

Halo top ice cream is coined as “nice” cream, because it is made with less of the heavy cream and sugar in traditional ice cream, making it lower fat. Plus, it is made so you can eat the entire pint “guilt free,” which I totally admit to doing.

From one fall flavor queen to another, I hope at least one thing on this list satisfies your pumpkin craving in a way other than the typical latte! While they are delicious, and so are the other traditional pumpkin spice delights like pie and cookies, there are so many delicious ways to make the most out of this fall flavor. If you think you don’t like pumpkin spice, chances are you just have not found the right creation.


Katie is a Junior Fashion Merchandising major at Kent State with a minor in marketing. Katie is involved in multiple organizations on campus and has a special interest in social media and visual merchandising. She plans to graduate in December of 2021 and hopes to pursue a career in which she can utilize her creative writing skills and conscientious work ethic.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.