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Activism: The Key to Solving the Climate Crisis

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Climate change is the defining crisis of our time. There is so much bad news surrounding climate change that it is hard to have hope. It is easy to feel like there is no way for us as individuals to make a difference, but I believe that our power is in organizing.

Activism is the most powerful tool to facilitate social and political change. Nonviolent action, also known as civil disobedience, is a method of resistance that pressures governments or other institutions to make a change. Activism can take many forms, but it is always rooted in the power and influence of the people. 

There are many well-established groups that are already doing amazing work for climate change. One group that you can join here on campus is Sunrise Kent State, which is our local hub of the national Sunrise Movement.

The Sunrise Movement is a movement of young people devoted to winning bold climate legislation called the Green New Deal, including a fully funded Civilian Climate Corps. The Green New Deal is a plan to completely reconstruct our economy with a goal of net-zero global emissions by 2050, creating millions of good jobs in the process. The Green New Deal would invest in communities impacted by climate change, tackling wealth inequality in the process. 

Sunrise Kent State was formed at the beginning of last school year and we have been working to make an impact in the community. So far this year, we have launched campaigns to grow our influence on campus and recruit new members. We have also taken action in support of the Build Back Better Act, President Biden’s $3.5 trillion reconciliation plan to invest in climate, public education, child care, housing and more.

While we wait on Congress to vote on the Build Back Better Act, we continue to keep the pressure on by sending emails and making phone calls to our Senators and Representatives. Sunrise Kent State meets every other Friday at 8 p.m. in the lower level of the D.I. Hub. We discuss current climate events and plan upcoming actions. We are always looking for new and creative ideas and would love to see you there.

If you are passionate about saving our planet, joining a movement is the way to do it. In the case of climate change, our impact is better made together.

Join Sunrise Kent State today by filling out this form. In addition, sign up on the national Sunrise Movement’s website to stay up to date on national calls for action through email and text. This crisis demands bold and progressive action which is only possible with all of your support. Please join us as we fight for a livable future. 

Grace Springer

Kent State '24

Grace is a Journalism Major and Media Advocacy Minor at Kent State University. She is interested in music and plays flute for the KSU Marching Band. Other clubs she is involved in are Sunrise Kent State and Tau Beta Sigma.