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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

We all have our differences, but did you know men and women actually have some gross things in common? Just think, everyone goes #2. You can’t deny mother nature no matter how hard you try. Here are some ways men women share some gross acts:

We all do the scratch and sniff.  We both do it, and in public too. 

We all readjust from time to time.  Guys aren’t the only ones that need to readjust down under in order to feel comfortable. Women readjust their breasts daily. Let’s face it, bras suck!

We all get the sweats in distinct places. For women, we tend to wipe away nasty boob sweat when no one is looking. For guys, well… let’s just say the boys need to breathe more often.

We all get wedgies at the most inconvenient times and fix them right away. We can’t help it when something rides too far up North…

We all pee in the shower, don’t deny it. When you got to go, you got to go… Admit it, it’s convenient and a little satisfying to us all.

We all pick our noses. We were always taught to not dig for gold, but it’s disgustingly satisfying to find that buried treasure.

We all crop dust the crowd, and won’t fess up. It’s embarrassing, okay?

Shelbie studies journalism at Kent State University, while also concentrating in fashion media and writing. She’s a true coffee addict and enthusiast. You can easily find her at a local coffee shop or the campus library. Her career goals include working within the publishing industry, becoming a travel writer and voicing the voiceless in her work. She’s excited to work with Her Campus and see what’s in store for the Kent State chapter.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.