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Tips for Eating and Staying Healthy, Just in Time for Finals!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kean chapter.


It’s a lot easier to eat healthy when you keep an organized fridge. If there are less tempting foods you make better choices. I just recently cleaned out my entire fridge and what a difference did that make.  It gives me no excuse to grab something unhealthy when I’m in a rush or being lazy. 
Here are some favorites that I stock up on: 


A very healthy alternative to cheese! Hummus is a healthy fat and it is high in protein. Pair 2 tbsp of it with baby carrots or bell peppers and you have a healthy, low-calorie snack,

1 egg white contains only 17 calories and it’s packed with tons of nutrients and protein. It is one of the best forms of protein out there! Add in some part-skim mozzarella cheese and you have a delicious and healthy breakfast.

Greek Yogurt:
Plain 0% Greek yogurt is 100 calories and packed with 18g of protein! It is a great probiotic, and it helps maintain a healthy digestive system. It is also low in carbohydrates and sugar. Since it has some carbs and sugar,  it is a great food to eat post-workout. After working out (up to 30-60 minutes later) your body metabolizes proteins, carbs, and sugars much faster. It is a great way to refuel and it’s delicious! If greek yogurt isn’t for you, try some cottage cheese.

Make sure to check the labels on yogurts! Try to stay clear of ones that are high in sugar and carbohydrates, and low in protein! The more protein, the more satisfied you will feel! 

Unsweetened Almond Milk:

Almond milk is a healthy alternative to milk. Although skim milk is a much healthier option, there is still a lot of sugar in milk. Almond milk has a very smooth taste and it is lower in sugar! Add it into your cereal or coffee and you’re good to go!                                           

Fresh or Bagged Salad and Veggies

Keep these around for lunches. They  come in handy when you are in a rush to pack a healthy lunch. Throw in as many vegetables as you like and you can’t go wrong! Add in some grilled chicken and a dash of oil and vinegar and you’ll have a satisfying dish.


Pack an apple or some fruit to pair with lunch– its a great way to incorporate antioxidants and healthy carbs to keep you full longer.  Although fruit is a healthy option, it also contains sugar– pairing fruit with protein helps with the digestion process and will sustain your hunger pain!


Keep prepared lean proteins around!  Set aside a day, to marinate, grill and prepare anything from chicken to turkey burgers! This cuts down prep time during the week and you can grab it for lunch or fix it for dinner! If you are getting tired of the same old grilled chicken, switch it up! Ground turkey or chicken is great for making homemade lettuce wraps.
Preparation and organization goes along way with eating healthy. There are so many fad diets nowadays. One person tells you one thing and the other tells you something completely different. However, when it comes down to it, eating healthy isn’t all that difficult.  In order for your body to work correctly, you have to fuel it with the proper foods.
Think of eating healthy in terms of driving a car– you need to put gas in it for it to go. If you don’t put gas in it, you’re going to have a hard time moving. The same thing goes for the body. When people think about healthy eating, they automatically think of it as “dieting.” However,healthy eating just isn’t dieting, it is a lifestyle change.   
If you keep gas in your car, it will stay fueled and keep running. That is why it is important to keep your body healthy by eating foods that will allow it to maximize its functioning level.