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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kean chapter.

Why a bucket list? Because life is short. Soon we will be walking down those steps smiling ever so brightly about our accomplished degrees and step into a new realm that was spoken of everyday since you could ever remember, the real world. The professional world. Putting into play our goals and objectives that we have instilled in ourselves with before we even applied to college.

One thing that our professors will never teach us is that although the professional world is great, our 20s will soon be forever past us. Our 30s will be flying in and will hit us without even noticing it. Marriage, children, and everything that follows after that will disable our ability to thrive on those daring acts that we wouldn’t think twice of doing in our 20s.

Recently, I made a trip to the Dominican Republic. Before I even entered the country the first thing I made was a list of things that I would definitely want to do. Did I do any of it? Nope. However, I did something better. I ventured myself into a vacation full of surprises, things that I would never in the world even think of doing. Upon doing this, I learned that nothing is much more enjoyable than approaching things with a spur-of-the-moment attitude.

So I created this cool list again, however, this one has a fruity twist. They can’t be planned. It’ll just happen out of nowhere.

1. Dance in the rain alone as though Ryan Gosling just asked you to marry him.

I know what you’re thinking. That doesn’t seem hard and I’m pretty sure you can do that whenever it rains. No you can’t. It’s stepping out of your social norms and doing something freely and daring. It’s hard to just step outside and start dancing in the rain without having those wandering eyes of people thinking you might be crazy, or what on earth are you on. Try it. It won’t hurt. Besides what girl wouldn’t go crazy dancing in the rain for Ryan Gosling he’s absolutely gorgeous.

2. Try a cuisine from a country you’ve never heard of.

Ever heard of a country called Kazakhstan? Well if you have, good for you. Glad to see your all caught up geographically. But trying something that you’ve never heard of will in fact help you more as a person to becoming a more culturally open-minded human-being. Now this one is truly a hard one, especially if you are a picky eater. But it doesn’t hurt to try something new. Who knows maybe trying a new cuisine that you aren’t use to will bring taste buds that you probably didn’t even think you would like.


3. Vegas. Vegas. Vegas.

How can I talk about doing something out of the ordinary and not mention the sinful city of Las Vegas. We all know the impeccable hangover that Phil, Stu, and Alan endured in the search for Doug in the movie “The Hangover”. But their crazy memories built an ever-lasting friendship with funny and embarrassing secrets that will never be spoken of. This is the time in our lives where we finally have the chance to create those bonds and secrets with close friends. So randomly wake up one morning and book a trip to Vegas. And of course never forget the ultimate mentality to this fun filling vacation, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.


4. Take a class in winery/Wine tasting

Like my mother always said, a glass of wine a day, keeps the doctors away. Knowing different types of wine will be a plus AND of course not to mention it’s healthy. However, finding a time out of your busy schedule will always be an obstacle standing in your way to impressing a guy with some knowledge of winery at a French restaurant. So solve your problem by skipping that boring lecture one day and indulging yourself in some healthy red wine with cheese, while learning some awesome tips about what wine has to offer. 






Currently I'm a senior at Kean University persuing a bachelor's degree in public relations and psychology. I'm actually from West New York, NJ but I'm living on campus for the time being in the New Upperclassmen Residence Hall. My love for blogging along with the media is definitely something that I treasure and research in my free time. Along with writing, I also enjoy good 90s music with a cup of warm tea when I'm not doing anything else. Actually, most of the time, that serves as my background when I'm writing. It's truly peaceful.
I received my Associate's degree in Liberal Arts Journalism at Middlesex County College. I have a variety of Journalism experience. I was in charge of children's newsletter at a summer camp program. I worked on a news report at MCC about a program called "Give Kids a Smile" and this program provided free dental care to children. I am great at digital photography, interviewing, and networking. I also wrote for two school newspapers.The first was "Quo Vadis" for Middlesex County College. I am currently a second time writer for "The Tower" newspaper at Kean. I am currently the Vice President of Her Campus for the Fall semester 2013 and during the Spring I will be the President of Her Campus Kean magazine. This May 2014 I will be graduating with my Bachelor's degree in Communications/ Journalism.