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Valentine’s Day Lover’s Kit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Juniata chapter.

Your long-distance-relationship expert checking in today for a Valentine’s Day report. You might remember my relationship wisdom from 6 Tips to Surviving a Long Distance Relationship. This is my boyfriend and mine’s first Valentine’s Day apart. I decided to put together a little care package for him to ship up to Massachusetts as a little token of my love for him.

The first item I included in the care package is this adorable Harry Potter mug:

Both of us are HUGE Harry Potter nerds. I bought this mug on Esty from Afternoon Coffee Unfortunately I don’t think that they are selling it anymore. You might be able to send her an email and special request it. I love it so much it almost hurts my heart to give it to him. That’s love; when you buy something you want for yourself and then give it to someone else.

If I buy my man a mug I gotta give him something to put inside of it. He loves chai tea lattes so I bought this at Wal-Mart for him to use in his Keurig.


I bought him this card at the Hallmark store:


I like to laugh. He likes to laugh. We don’t like that sappy romantic stuff. Honestly, I bought it because it had googly eyes on it. I am still a child on the inside.


There’s a story behind the Jack Daniels Honey Whiskey. It’s a long one, though. If your man is a drinker I recommend it just because who doesn’t like free alcohol? If he’s not a drinker then maybe his favorite candy or a gift certificate for his favorite restaurant. Just think of something special that he loves. I have faith in you.

My boyfriend’s weakness in life is his love of Cookies ‘n Cream. I harbor a secret resentment because given a choice between the two of us I’m not sure who he would choose. (just kidding he would totally choose cookies ‘n cream). I always try to incorporate his one true food love into all of our holidays together.

As I am not the most domesticated person in the world and I am busy as all hell trying to finish out my final college semester on a strong note, these Oreo truffles are a godsend because they require three ingredients and the only appliances required are a bowl, a spoon, and a microwave.

Here is a recipe for ya: Oreo Truffle Recipe

Some tips and tricks because I have made these two times which, naturally, makes me an expert.

First, make sure you are entertained. I listed to this playlist on Spotify. And I had Sex and the City on the TV. I was set to go. 


Now to the actual baking part.

First of all, the recipe calls for semi-sweet baking chocolate. These things are RICH let me warn you. I prefer to use white chocolate because it makes them look like an inside out Oreo and you aren’t overloaded with the chocolate.

Now onto the crushing.

I started out crushing the Oreos using this thing:


But I could crush a grand total of 3 Oreos at one time and my patience wore thin. So I put the whole bag of Oreos into a Ziplock Freezer baggie. Now, recipe recommends a food processor or a rolling pin but our lil college house has neither of those things.  Thankfully, an empty wine bottle makes an excellent rolling pin.


 When I got really frustrated I would beat it with a wooden spoon. It felt good.

The recipe asks you to set aside some crumbs for decorative purposes. I couldn’t make them stick on the tops and I think your man would rather have 2 extra truffles as opposed to a well-decorated ones. They did make for a very nice Instagram photo though.

DO NOT MAKE THE TRUFFLES TOO BIG. I repeat: do NOT make the truffles too big. When in doubt make them smaller. They are so rich. Make them bite-sized. They will give you a tummy ache.

Also, if you are a college student with roommates your fridge probably looks something like this:

(Our actual fridge)

Fortunately Juniata is in the tundra of Central PA and we happened to be in the middle of a blizzard so I chucked them outside and all was well with the world. 

(Our actual backyard, or lacktherof)

(Final Product)


I hope you find these ideas helpful and can use at least one of them. I am sending my love to all of you over VDay.

XOXO, Gossip Girl (I wish). 

Juniata Campus Correspondant.