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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Have you come back to your apartment after a long day and found that the week’s knick-knacks, clothes, and dishes have piled up? It can feel overwhelming, but here are some tips that can help cleaning feel a little less stressful.

Break it up

For many of us, our college apartments are the first spaces that are truly and completely ours. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with your space, it can be helpful to break it up into segments. Rather than doing a full 3-hour deep-clean, just put in some headphones, queue up a podcast, and set a timer for 20 minutes. Do what you can in that time, getting the little tasks like tidying your desk or wiping down the countertops out of the way. When the timer goes off, take some time to practice self-care! Try to set aside at least one of these 20-minute periods a day. Not only will it help you decompress, but it will also make the process of cleaning much more manageable.

Divy It Up

If you live with roommates, try divvying up household chores. For example, one person does the dishes, one vacuums, and one takes out the trash. If you all work together, it will be much easier to get everything done! However, if you find yourself stuck in a situation with an uncooperative or chronically messy roommate, do not be afraid to set boundaries. When a space is shared, it should never fall on just one person to keep it clean. Let them know that their lack of cleanliness is affecting the people they live with and that you need them to pitch in. Working as a team with your roommates is a surefire way to manage the mess!

Gadget it Up

Oftentimes, we have no clue which products or tools to use when we clean our space. Some people will end up using inferior cleaning products or unnecessary cleaning apparatus because all of the options overwhelm them. Only through trial and error can you truly find what works best for you. Some of my essentials include Affresh’s Disposal Cleaner tablets, Bar Keeper’s Friend’s Spray + Foam Cleaner, Scrub Daddy Sponges, and Scrubbing Bubbles Disinfectant Grime Fighter. Test out some cleaning products and gadgets with your roomies and see what you like!

Simmer it up

Sometimes, the mess is so overwhelming that we don’t know where to start. My favorite first task on a cleaning day is setting up a simmer pot on the stovetop. Simmer pots are super simple, and will keep your place smelling fresh for hours. Bring a pot of water to a gentle boil, then toss in whatever combination of fruits, herbs, and spices you prefer. Add more water as needed, likely once every 30 minutes. This is a great way to save on expensive candles and room sprays and allows you to recycle some of your food scraps. My favorite simmer pot recipe calls for citrus fruit (lemons, limes, oranges), cinnamon sticks, and a few drops of lemongrass essential oil. Get creative with your recipes, and happy smelling!

Grace is a junior at James Madison University, majoring in English and Writing, Rhetoric, & Technical Communication with a minor in Creative Writing. She enjoys reading contemporary romance novels, doing yoga, and listening to music!