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Why You Should “Eat Clean”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.


Clean eating is a diet program that encourages an appreciation of whole foods, and focuses on consuming foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Instead of constantly counting calories, collegiettes who “eat clean” rely on quality, healthy food. Foods that are acceptable are whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean proteins. Processed foods and saturated fats are banned from the clean eating lifestyle.

This strict diet may sound difficult to maintain (especially if you are crazy for chicken nugget or grilled cheese Thursdays), but there are some tasty-looking “clean” treats that you can find on ToneItUp.com or on Pinterest.


Benefits of clean eating:

  • Healthy weight
  • Healthy skin
  • Increased energy

There are five important steps to eating clean and feeling great!


1. Avoid soda and other sugary drinks. To avoid the extra sugars and preservatives in high-calorie, sugary drinks, choose tea, water or juice made from your own fresh fruits at home. (Psst…choosing water will help you get bikini ready!) Don’t forget to ditch the artificial sweeteners you add to your coffee. Instead use honey or one natural sweetener packet to sweeten your coffee without the added calories. Replace creamer with almond or soymilk too!


2. Ditch the bad fats for good fats. Clean eating focuses on cutting out saturated fats, so avoid fast food (sorry, Cook-Out addicts!) and eat lean cuts of meat. You should be getting your good fats from nuts and fatty fish.


3. Eat small meals throughout the day. You’ve got to keep your blood sugar stable and avoid overeating. Try eating snacks during the day such as nuts, fat-free dairy snacks and fruits or veggies.


4. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid canned fruits and vegetables because the nutritional value of these foods is reduced when they are processed and packaged. You don’t need the added salt, fat, sugar and chemicals that are put into processed fruits and vegetables. Always choose fresh fruit over fruit juice. Take advantage of the fresh fruit you can take away from E-Hall and Greens!


5. Eat complex carbohydrates and lean meats. Eat whole grains like brown rice and millet; avoid white bread and rice. As for meat, strive for organic or grass-fed meats. No frying your meats! Grill, broil or steam only.