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Valentine’s Day Is For Everyone

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Valentine’s Day is a controversial holiday. Some hate it, some are ambivalent and others think it is the best holiday of the year. Regardless of where you stand, Valentine’s this year can be made into a great day. It doesn’t matter whether you are in a relationship, situationship or happily single because Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love.

If you find yourself in a relationship on February 14th this year, then it is the perfect opportunity to spend time with your partner and enjoy a day just for each other. Going to dinner, getting gifts or even a note are all great ways to start. This is your official reminder to start planning for the day!

Maybe you are confused or don’t have plans yet. That’s ok too. Valentine’s Day is for love, so you should love yourself. Maybe you don’t have a date for dinner, but that doesn’t mean you should be sad and bored at home. Get your favorite takeout, watch the best movie and do something you enjoy. Classes are well on their way, and everyone would benefit from a stress-relieving day.

Also, don’t forget to consider family and friends. Remind them how much you care. Sending a text or quick note to a friend or family member will not only be appreciated, but might just be a pleasant and unexpected surprise. My mom always got my sister and I little Valentine’s Day baskets almost like Christmas stockings. We absolutely loved it and it was such a nice way to celebrate our relationship. While we are away at college it might be difficult to celebrate with gifts, but a note is an easy and effective alternative.

To get you in the mood for the day of love, here is a quick story from The Gift of Magi:

James Young and Della Young are deeply in love. They are happy, but also very poor. They live in a bleak apartment and own few pieces of furniture or personal belongings. As Christmas approaches, they each worry about affording presents that the other would like. Despite saving all year, neither James nor Della have enough to buy anything special. Della shops for hours until she finds a gift that she knows James would love. In order to afford it, she cuts her hair essentially selling her beauty to make enough money. At the same time, James searches for a gift. Unable to afford anything either, he decides to sell his watch which is one of his only possessions. They each return home. James looks shocked by Della’s new haircut, and Della notices that his wrist is empty. Della had bought James a beautiful gold watch chain and James had bought Della hair combs that she had been admiring in the window. They each sold the things they cared about most to make the other happy. It doesn’t matter what you get your loved one on Valentine’s Day because it really is the thought that counts.

I am a freshman JMU nursing student. I enjoy playing soccer, playing with any and all animals, writing/reading, and watching the Office (many people would agree with me… its the best show ever).