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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

To those of you who haven’t heard of Birchbox, you are in for a real treat! 2015 is here, and before you know it, you’ll be counting on Starbucks to get you from day to day (or maybe that’s out of habit!). With the challenge of winter, you will need more than just a restoration to your soul before spring break is even close to arriving!

As you are probably aware, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Birchbox is the gift that keeps on giving 3, 6, or even 12 months out of the upcoming year. Whether it’s gifted to you from your boyfriend or comes in a care package from mom and dad, you will strike a beautification gold mine with this product. Your Box is created just for you, and is customized on a profile that you build once you’ve received your subscription.

Each Box includes high-end samples anywhere from body, hair, and makeup to home and food items. So if you LOVE trying out new makeup, but you’re not really a fan of fragrance products, then you can pick and choose exactly what products you want in your Box. As a member, you also get awesome benefits such as discounted purchases (and this happens weekly!)

So do yourself a favor and go subscribe to Birchbox (you will not be disappointed!). Still not sold? Check out their site, and you will LOVELOVELOVE that special someone who gifts you one!

Hey Ya'll! Here at James Madison University I'm majoring in Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication and minoring in Family Studies. I'm just a student writing my way through college, and when I'm not busy doing that, I have my nose in a book. I couldn't make it through a day without Country music, and I love the OBX (it's Heaven on earth!).
Aleixka has a B.A. in Media Arts and Design and a minor in Spanish from James Madison University. She loves all things books, traveling, food, and photography.