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Tyler Dotson ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Tyler Dotson

Year: Junior

Age: 21

Hometown: Richmond, VA

Major: Marketing with a Minor in Human Resource Development

Relationship Status: In a relationship with a beautiful blonde

What is your dream job? Selling pharmaceuticals in NYC

What is your ideal date? Spending the day at the beach or an amusement park.

Celebrity Crush: Kim Kardashian. She’s a goddess.

If you were stranded on an island, what 3 things would you bring? My puppy Collie, Dixie, my iPod, and Taco Bell. Lots of Taco Bell.

If you were granted one wish, what would it be? To have a life fillwed with happiness; oh and to have cars and some money.
3 words that best describe you: Caring, Outgoing, Gentleman.

Alexa is a junior from Cream Ridge, New Jersey.  She is studying Media Arts & Design with a concentration in Corporate Communication and minors in Creative Writing and Anthropology.  She works for the JMU Office of Residence Life as a Program Adviser and as the Graphics Editor for The Breeze.  She loves watching The Bachelor, pinning to her fashion boards and running outside.   Alexa aspires to work in the glamouous fashion magazine industry in New York City or LA.