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Top 10 Must-See YouTube Videos

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

We’ve all been there; we’re typing away at a term paper on our laptops when all of a sudden the mouse finds its way to the YouTube shortcut on our bookmarks tab.  It can’t hurt to take a little break, right?  OK, it may not be the best choice, but whether you’re bored over the weekend or trying to refocus your brain, I’ve compiled a list of ten videos that have received high ratings for either good footage or good laughs to thoroughly distract you.  Get clicking!
10. HerCampus JMU
How could I not include this one?  Ever wanted to know how to create a wintry eye shadow?  Our own Kelly Ford has the tools and advice you need to say “‘tis the season” with a blink of your eyelids!  Be sure to check out the other v-logs on our channel as well!
9. Julian Smith’s “25 Things I Hate About Facebook”
This video was uploaded in 2009, so some mentions may be slightly outdated, but the message still stands: the annoying things we enjoy complaining about on our favorite website.  (Don’t worry Facebook; we still love you.)
8.  Kick His Ask
An old favorite.  No one better cross her, or there will be some serious “ask” kicking!

7. Charlie Bit Me!
With over 410 million views, these boys are certainly no strangers to the world.  Combining child humor and British accents, Harry and Charlie have put a smile on viewers’ faces for over five years now!
6. Obama ‘Single Ladies’ Spoof
Uploaded during the same time as President Obama’s inauguration, the parody of Beyonce’s song got people very excited for the 2009-2013 term.  Plus, one can never fail with a decent ‘Single Ladies’ dance!
5. JennaMarbles on ‘How to Avoid Talking to People’
I’m sure this is effective, but if 17 million other people know about it…it may backfire.  At least we have JennaMarbles to entertain us with her sarcastic and witty humor!
4. Jimmy Kimmel’s Halloween Candy Trick
How do you think you would have reacted as a child if your parents told you they ate all your Halloween candy?  These kids show some very dramatic reactions.  It’s just candy…right?  Be careful of the “sneaky moms” out there!
3. SNL’s “Dream Home Extreme”
Kristen Wiig never fails to impress.  With her overly ecstatic enthusiasm, she announces to an ordinary citizen that she has just won a free home.  The citizen, however, played by the November 11th host, Emma Stone, could be less enthused. 

2. Sh*t Girls Say to Gay Guys
After watching this, you’ll probably admit you’ve said at least one of these lines to your GBF (Gay Best Friend). The original YouTube series “Sh*t Girls Say” was the inspirations for this viral comedy, as well as many more new YouTube sensations!
1. Strangers Again
This may not be humorous, but it follows the stages of a relationship forming and slowly disintegrating.  The cinematography is fantastic and I’m sure many college girls can relate to the rollercoaster that is called a relationship.

Now that you’ve sorted through this list and watched the ones you wanted, be sure to turn off the Internet and start working on that paper!  But don’t forget to recommend the good videos to your friends.  Once you find one you enjoy, plenty of others will follow!

Alexa is a junior from Cream Ridge, New Jersey.  She is studying Media Arts & Design with a concentration in Corporate Communication and minors in Creative Writing and Anthropology.  She works for the JMU Office of Residence Life as a Program Adviser and as the Graphics Editor for The Breeze.  She loves watching The Bachelor, pinning to her fashion boards and running outside.   Alexa aspires to work in the glamouous fashion magazine industry in New York City or LA.