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Thanksgiving Break According to Leslie Knope

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

It’s almost time for turkey, football and family. And we know you have a lot of mixed feelings about the week off, Dukes. So instead of trying to speak on your behalf, I’ll let everyone’s favorite government worker do it for me.

The few days before break starts, the thought of going to class is nearly unbearable. You just want to go home and cuddle with your dog and go shopping with your mom.

But somehow you manage to make it out alive, and you’re rewarded with a well-deserved break.

That means being reunited with your friends and family…

…catching up on sleep…

…and eating. Lots of eating.

And that’s even before Thanksgiving Day rolls around. And once it actually is Thanksgiving, you’re prepared to dig in. It’s like the past few days were just warming you up for the best meal of the year.

Not even your extended relatives with their backwards political views can spoil your dinner. You put on a nice face and pretend to be agreeable for the sake of mashed potatoes and gravy.

As you’re finishing up dinner it’s time to gear up for Black Friday, if that’s your cup of tea. If you’re spending the day perusing the mall and scoring great deals, your outlook might be on the positive end of the spectrum…

…but if you’re working Black Friday, you’ll probably be less than thrilled about the situation.

As break comes to an end, you’ll continue neglecting your school work and start getting in the holiday spirit, totally forgetting about finals and all the assignments that are due soon…but as soon as you get to campus, you’ll realize that maybe wasn’t the best decision.

So you get back on your grind, powering through the end of the semester with the promise of Winter Break keeping you motivated.

Enjoy your break, Dukes! You’ve earned it!

Junior SMAD major and Creative Writing Minor. Lover of Taylor Swift, copious amounts of coffee, and liquid eyeliner.
Aleixka has a B.A. in Media Arts and Design and a minor in Spanish from James Madison University. She loves all things books, traveling, food, and photography.