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Struggle of Being a Summer Girl in the Middle of Winter

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Picture this: Hot sun rays beaming down while a cool breeze passes by, and you’re sitting by the ocean on a brightly colored towel listening to the crisp sound of waves along with seagulls flying by with a nice, cold strawberry lemonade in hand. Sound like paradise to you? If so, then you’re in the right place.

I can proudly state that I am biased when I say that summer is the best season. It just so happens to be when my birthday is but at the same time, it means that the semester is over and you get to go home to see hometown friends and family, and plan possible trips. I long for days by the pool and zero Canvas notifications from my professors, but alas to make it to this paradise I call home, literally and figuratively, I must get through the winter months that follow Christmas and New Year’s.

Overall, I think that the biggest roadblock to getting through the cold, dreary winter is the seasonal sadness that I, and many others struggle with. Truthfully, I get most of my motivation and energy from being out in the sun and with it being gray and chilly almost every day, it’s a struggle to find the motivation to go outside and get fresh air. Being a freshman in college I am kind of forced to leave my happy little nest I call my dorm if I want to get food or quite frankly go and do anything.

To get me through these rough couple of months there have been three main things that I have been doing or have done to, in a way, motivate me and they may help those of you reading as well.

1. Create A Summery playLIST

Something about me is that music is the whole world to me. It has the power to change my mood the second the intro of my favorite song starts. I created a playlist specific to the vibes of summer so when I listen to it, it instantly transports me back to the hot summer days of July and the smell of sunscreen. For some inspiration, I’ll put the link below.

Courtesy of Andrea McCoy

2. Pinterest is your best friend

I am a sucker for making Pinterest boards and fantasizing about visiting the places I’ve saved. When I’m met with a winter day that gets me stuck in a funk, I pull up Pinterest and look at my “summer board” and it manages to give me the motivation to go outside and get fresh air because I remember that in less than six months, summer will be here yet again.

3. find the hidden beauties of winter

Although I have been going on about how much I dislike winter, it’s temporary, just as many things in life are, and with temporary things, sometimes it’s best to enjoy them in the moment knowing that they aren’t here to stay. Changing your mindset from a negative one to a more positive one can do wonders to your perspective on life.

And before you know it, summer has returned and you’re finally free from the burdens of constant homework. At the end of the day, it’s all about how you view the changes that life throws at you, however, I will forever be loyal to the summertime.

Passionate about pumpkin chai lattes, fluffy cows, and jazz.