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Skye Hagood ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Name: Skye Hagood
Year: Junior
Major: Media Arts & Design
Minor: Creative Writing
Hometown: Midlothian, VA 
Relationship status: Single but tryna be taken tbh :)
Campus involvement: Student Ambassadors, Make Your Mark On Madison (MYMOM), Madison Connection
Who’s your celebrity crush? Shia Labeouf
What’s the number one item on your bucket list? Travel all of Europe!

What’s your favorite…
Can I do current favorite album?? Purpose – Justin Beiber
Restaurant: Local? Clementines
Social media: Instagram 
Season: Fall
Food: Any type of pasta with pesto sauce
Color: Gold
TV show: Gossip Girl
Movie: Selena

Netflix or Hulu? Netflix
Starbucks or Dunkin’? Dunkin only for iced coffee 
What’s your ideal date? Casual for the first one but romantic – flowers are an extra gold star
What three things do you always carry with you? Phone, mini mascara and my JAC card haha
What’s your dream travel destination? London is #1 on my list, excited to go next year with JMU! 
What’s your go-to fall accessory? Chunky scarves
Fun fact: I’ve never broken a bone

Aleixka has a B.A. in Media Arts and Design and a minor in Spanish from James Madison University. She loves all things books, traveling, food, and photography.