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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

In honor of the infamous Paris Fashion week that took place February 28th-March 8th, this article is dedicated to the Paris lifestyle I know we all wish we lived. When you think of Paris, you think of love, beauty, culture, and amazing food. Living there seems like it would be a dream, and for most that visit can confirm. This got me thinking… what would my everyday life look like in Paris? Would it actually feel like a dream everyday? Let’s see!

Join me in comparing some of my everyday activities and errands to what they would look like in Paris! I know Spring Break is right around the corner for a lot of us, so if you aren’t going to any destination, at least we have this time to take mental trip to Paris! I hope this activity is as entertaining fo you to read as it was for me to do, and I encourage you all to take a mental vacation like this once in a while.

Food Lion –> Le Grande Épicerie de paris

I think it is safe to say that I would actually enjoy grocery shopping in Paris! Sure Food Lion has a dairy aisle, but imagine having an entire department dedicated to cheese! Yes, this beautiful building (see last photo on Instagram) that looks like a magical garden house is indeed a grocery store. But of course done, Paris style, with food courts and wineries and basically each part of the food pyramid has its own store!

Starbucks—> Dream starbucks

Is this Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Starbucks, I can’t tell? I mean imagine walking in here for your morning coffee instead of waiting 30 minutes in an average Joe drive-thru. I mean this is more than caffeine, this is an experience!

Goodwill—> Guerrisol

With fashion being a relevant topic this week for Paris, I knew that the thrift stores must be impressive, and I was correct. Thrifting is one of my most enjoyed past times, but I am getting tired of the same 5-aisled goodwill! Especially so after looking at the well known thrift location in Paris: Guerrisol. Guerrisol not only promotes the healthy habits of thrifting, but is also branding the fashion and style of thrifting. Looking at their instagram, there is even a post of a Paris Fashion Week model in a Guerrisol outfit.

Hello! I am senior Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication major with an Educational Media minor at JMU. I also enjoy teaching yoga classes at JMU's gym and am a barista, so in my free time you can find me either sipping on a latte or in downward dog!