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My First Semester Roommate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

I came to college not knowing much about the girl who I was going to be rooming with. I was terrified of being alone and let’s just say, it was a rough start. I had a roommate who stayed in through the whole orientation process and I was TRAUMATIZED. I just thought I got stuck in a room with a girl who never wants to do anything fun. Now, it has been over three months and our first semester is coming to an end. I can say that I’m terribly sad to leave her for a month. We do just about everything together and talking to each other for hours. We have inside jokes at like 12 am, and she’s currently watching vines instead of working on her assignments.


Name: Lauren Slaughter

Year: Freshmen

Major: Social Work


How would you describe your style?

I suggested old lady, which she agreed. Her exact words would be “like a conservative bum.”


What is something you’re passionate about?

Incredibly passionate about Mental health advocacy, social justice, and equal rights. Currently actively participating these passions.


What are you involved with on campus?

Gamma Sigma Sigma – service sorority, But I’m looking to be involved in Phi Alpha honor society (Social Work).


Favorite quote?

“There’s nothing like a dream to create the future.” -Victor Hugh


Best memory at JMU?

The first time I set foot on campus, was just happy and felt a sense of belonging.


Carrier or ECL?



What did you expect from a roommate before you came to JMU?

In general, “Just hoped to get along, but felt like we wouldn’t be the best of friends.” I thought everything you were going to bring is going to be white.



“How am I going to spend my winter and summer break without my roommate?”


What’s the worst part about living in a dorm with a roommate for the first time?

Being conscience of waking her up because late nights or just bad mornings.


What’s the best part about having a roommate?

We have late night inside jokes and we’ve become, at least I think, good friends. It’s like having a built-in support system.


What’s something you would change about your experience?

“I would get a better roommate” (sassy comment number 103). I would attend more programs and lectures and I would have never been afraid of my professors.


What do you hope to get out of your JMU experience?

“Be more aware of global issues. Be more active and not a bystander. Before James Madison I felt insecure and like a sense of not fitting in, I hope to blossom here.”


Tips for picking a roommate?

“You don’t have to pick someone who is exactly like you to get along, be courteous of their heart, as in like your soul and your personality, and who connects with your beliefs. Your first person who you want to be your roommate, may not end up being your roommate, but something good will come along.”


While our first semester is coming to an end, I am glad to say that my first friend was built in. I slept in the same room with her and I truly am so proud of her. She is active in her passions and takes ideas and runs with them. I think her future will be her dream, because she is so hard working and I’m truly excited to see how our next semester, year and how the rest of her life goes. Much love for the greatest first-year roommate I could’ve had!

I'm an English and psychology major with a minor in Pre-law. Class of 2022 at James Madison University. I love dogs, and avocados and ice coffees. Catch me dancing alone in my room or reorganizing things for the fun of it!
School of Media Arts and Design student with a concentration in Interactive Design. Campus Correspondent for the JMU chapter of Her Campus, Campus Coordinator for Rent the Runway on Campus, and Social Media Marketing Intern for Auntie Anne's.