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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.



Earlier this week, we had to say goodbye to the man who created all of the Marvel characters that we love, an entire universe for us to escape reality, and what is sure to go down in history for years to come as American mythology: Stan Lee. His stories were the things out childhood dreams were made of, and he molded the world into something hopeful, gave us heroes to save us. If you’re anything like me, Stan Lee and the world he created have impacted your life in a big way, given you something to smile about, look forward to, and even sometimes cry about (no, I’m still not over “Infinity War”).


While it’s sad that we have to say goodbye to this man and his brilliant mind, we know that his stories will live on in all of us forever. Turns out, he was the real superhero all along. So, to celebrate his legacy and smile in the wake of sorrow, here are a few of Stan’s best cameos.


(For anyone who isn’t a big fan, a trademark of all Marvel movies was to include a cameo of the creator himself.)


1. The FedEx man in “Civil War”

2. The librarian in “The Amazing Spider-Man”


3. The hair-cutter in “Thor: Ragnarok”


4. The strip club DJ in “Deadpool”

5. As Hugh Hefner in “Iron Man”


6. As Peter Parker’s cranky neighbor in “Spiderman: Homecoming”


7. As a very drunk Army vet who drank Thor’s special alien alcohol NOT MEANT FOR MORTAL MEN in “Avengers: Age of Ultron”


8. The museum security guard in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” (when he realizes that the Captain America suit is missing)


9. As a superhero skeptic in “The Avengers”


10. As a wise bystander giving Peter Parker priceless advice in “Spider-Man 3” (is he talking about himself here??)


We’ll miss you, Stan. Thanks for all the childhood memories, and the heroes that help us sleep at night.


(Check out some of my other Marvel articles if you wanna cry and reminisce with me.)

Senior Media Arts & Design major with minors in Communications and British Communication & Media. I enjoy drinking tea, watching movies, working out, all things nerdy, and being feminist af.
Lexie is a marketing & music gal, who enjoys listening to Taylor Swift, drinks an alarming amount of cold brew & loves going to concerts!