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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

It’s been nearly a month since British singer-songwriter Maisie Peters released her debut album: You Signed Up For This. Since then, her album has taken Official Charts by storm, and she’s announced a (almost sold-out!) North American Tour. 

So, this is your sign. If you haven’t listened to her music yet, now is the time. 

It’s hard to imagine finding that type of success at only twenty years old. Yet, Peters has already been recognized by one of the most successful singer-songwriters of our generation: Ed Sheeran. Sheeran signed Peters to his record label, Gingerbread Man, and even cowrote with her to create three songs on her album. 

It’s evident that Peters is the “Girl Boss” she claims to be.

Her album contains songs of lyrical genius, danceable melodies, and emotional roller coasters. The album is a perfect representation of this pivotal moment in our lives; I mean, the first lyrics you hear when you listen to the album are “I am twenty and probably upset right now.” If that doesn’t speak to the overwhelming nature of our current reality, I don’t know what does.  

Some highlights on her album include the titular song, “You Signed Up For This,” as well as “John Hughes Movie” and “Elvis Song.” “You Signed Up For This” is full of the young adult angst that we all experience in our lives but also acknowledges the fact that those emotions are normal.  The first time I heard this song, I was reminded of Olivia Rodrigo because of the sheer and utter attitude that the song includes. “John Hughes Movie” is the perfect reminder that our lives are not the fairytales that we see in movies, and that’s okay. We can build our own stories; we are enough. Next, “Elvis Song” is the nostalgic vibe that we all crave. It’s the song to drive to with the windows down on a sunny fall day. Each of her songs offers something different. They encompass all the emotions that we feel in our lives.

Peters is one to watch as she begins touring next year. Active on social media, she’ll be sure to feed us with more inspiring “Girl Boss” content and great music. Plus, she has a book club Instagram account (that right there should be enough to become a fan). The answer is clear: you should sign up for this. 

Kate is an undergraduate student at JMU. She is a Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication major with minors in Spanish and Honors Interdisciplinary Studies. Kate loves to travel, read, and spend time with friends.