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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

My sister has always been my best friend. At six years older than me, she is a constant role model and continues to amaze me with her hardworking tenacity. She’s married, has the cutest dog and owns a beautiful home on the outskirts of Richmond.

I am so proud and lucky to have a sister like her. :)


Tell us about your college experience. (college name, major, graduation date)

Christopher Newport University; Political Science; December 2014


Where do you work and what do you do there?

I work at The Monument Companies in Richmond, VA. I’m the Director of Human Resources & Administration. I handle the HR and back office processes for a company of 65 employees.


How did you come across your job?

I applied to be the Office Administrator at Monument out of college. I did that for a year and then expressed interest in learning more about HR because there was no one in that position for the company. I started training and slowly took it all over. Basically, I spoke up and was given an opportunity.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself still at the same place. I’ll probably have a larger workload with more employees, but I’ll hopefully be reaping the benefits of process improvement. More work done more efficiently.


What advice do you have for college women today?

I learned that what I studied in college was less important than what I did. I would recommend you focus on getting good jobs and internships. That’s what prepared me most for the real world.


Favorite quote?

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou


School of Media Arts and Design student with a concentration in Interactive Design. Campus Correspondent for the JMU chapter of Her Campus, Campus Coordinator for Rent the Runway on Campus, and Social Media Marketing Intern for Auntie Anne's.