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The Importance of Mentorship: Why Helping Kids is More Important Than You Think!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Think the only ways you can help a child is by signing a petition or sending money to a foreign country or organization?  In the Harrisonburg area, young teenage girls and boys go without parental guidance or role models to look to for direction. As JMU students, we have an opportunity to significantly empower and impact young lives of these children.

Last week the sisters of Hermandad de Sigma Iota Alpha, Inc. and the sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority Inc. partnered with the JMU Varner House to raise awareness about opportunities to reach out as mentors to these at risk teens.  Here are some ways YOU can help out to these children…

Be a Friend
Melinda Morgan from Varner House highlighted that the most important aspect of mentoring is to avoid acting as if you are not the child’s parent or sibling.  Instead, act as a friend and a person the teen can confide in and to look up to.

Often times children feel unheard by their parents, teachers and even their friends and class mates. Just being an open ear could make all the difference in a child’s life.

Build the Relationship
Ultimately, you determine how much time and effort you put into your relationship with your mentee.  And sometimes it is hard to get them to open up, so remember to try your hardest to build that connection.

Want to get involved? Volunteer at “La Casita” Community Center a part of the Boys and Girls Club, today!

Alexa is a junior from Cream Ridge, New Jersey.  She is studying Media Arts & Design with a concentration in Corporate Communication and minors in Creative Writing and Anthropology.  She works for the JMU Office of Residence Life as a Program Adviser and as the Graphics Editor for The Breeze.  She loves watching The Bachelor, pinning to her fashion boards and running outside.   Alexa aspires to work in the glamouous fashion magazine industry in New York City or LA.