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How to Survive Going Home for Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.


Spring break’s right around the corner and I know most of us can’t wait to be tanning on the beach while having at least one drink in our hands at all times. We’ll be able to sleep ’til noon then wake up and lay out on the beach (located right outside of our hotel room of course). Then the sun will go down and it’ll be time to go in and get ready for the extravagant party that the club in walking distance of our hotel is having.

REALITY CHECK: Whether it’s because you forgot to jump on the bandwagon early enough and missed out on planning that picture perfect spring break, or you just didn’t have the money this year — there are many college students who spend their spring breaks back at home. Going home for spring break doesn’t necessarily have to be a drag. There are several things you can do to keep yourself busy and still have a relaxing spring break.

For starters, don’t stress out prematurely about going home. If you think about it, spring break takes place after midterms and most students are about ready to collapse anyway. Enjoy the next few days and relax. Going home allows you to do just that. Spend a day catching up with your family and relaxing (get a mani /pedi with your sister, have a spa day, etc.)

If you’re lucky enough to have spring break the same time as your friends from back home, then great! You guys will be able to revisit your favorite local spots and keep each other company. However, the sad truth is spring breaks can vary between the first weeks in March until the last, so if you find yourself stranded at home, plan a road trip! Everyone has that friend that’s been begging them to come visit ever since they left for college so now’s your time. It’ll take up a couple days and you’ll get to experience nightlife at a different campus.

Pick up those random activities you always wish you had time for:

  • Read a book
  • Take the yoga class you’ve been talking about doing since Christmas break
  • See all the movies nominated in the Golden Globes

Ok, so I know it’s not a beach in Cancun or Panama City, but it doesn’t have to be all that bad! There are enough things to do so that you can occupy yourself and have a fun spring break — even if it doesn’t involve drinks with little tiny umbrellas in them. If you’re still dreading going home for spring break after this, then just think of all the money you’ll be saving. And hey! Maybe in your spare time over break you can get way ahead of the game and plan for next year’s spring break?