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The Final Countdown: How to Stay Strong ‘Til the End

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

April is finally upon us and the weather in Harrisonburg is slowly, but surely, getting more beautiful by the day (fingers crossed!). With the end of the semester approaching, all anyone seems to want to do is kick back, relax, and soak up as many more memories as possible. That paper due in two days? Eh, no biggie! Making it to your weekly Zumba class? Another day! Sound familiar? Here are some wise words from your fellow Dukes about how to keep your focus and enjoy the last few weeks of the semester.
Ace your finals and get that ‘A’!
“At this point it’s all about implementing good time management skills. At night, I like to make a list organizing my day and making sure I remember something if it’s important because the weather’s getting nicer and it’s hard to stay focused, but these last four weeks you really just need to gun through!” –Corinne Morgan, sophomore
“I use the ‘Stickies’ application on my Mac because they stay up all the time and you can make lists really quick and just get things done.” –Amanda Tyler, sophomore

“Time is the biggest factor for me because I’m a huge procrastinator, so I like to set a time that I should be done with a certain chapter or something. I also need the right environment or I get distracted!” –Sarah Carney, sophomore
Take a note from these ladies’ books and look for things you might struggle with. If you find yourself procrastinating, make a list and keep track of what you actually spend time doing. Even ask a friend to be a study buddy and make weekly library dates and reward yourself with something tasty from Starbucks when you’re at Carrier!
Workin’ on My Fitness
“I like to think about the feeling you get after a really intense work out, feeling energized and that you worked hard, which is a reward in itself! “  -Nina Capaldo, sophomore
“Being on the Triathlon Team, I really like having the support of my teammates and friends and working out with them. I also like to switch it up, not just running every day, but playing racquetball, swimming, or just throwing the Frisbee around.” –Sam Easley, sophomore
“Since I’m a cyclist, I train to stay competitive in my bike races.  It helps me deal with the stress of school work because it’s something that I truly love to do and it’s time just for myself, which is hard to come by.” –Mark Edwards, sophomore

Remember what activity you love doing and go for it! Also, keep in mind all the amazing resources you can take advantage of in or around campus, like classes at UREC or any of the hiking trails in the Valley. If you’re stressed out, take an hour out of your schedule to exercise or even meditate to focus on you and to keep your cool.
Even with all the distractions of spring around, keep in mind some of these things and remember everything you’re capable of. With only a few weeks left, it’s hard to keep your focus all the time. Enjoy yourself while you can, besides, you are in college after all! 

Sarah Robertson is a senior at James Madison University, with a major in Writing and Rhetoric and minor in Creative Writing. She is involved in the Public Relations Student Society of America, Society for Technical Communicators, as well as Sigma Kappa sorority where she serves as a member on the Judicial Board. At JMU, she is also a member on the e-Vision editorial board. She is from a small town in the Northern Neck of Virginia where she can't get enough of the hidden beaches and spectacular sunsets it has to offer. Sarah is currently interning in New York City at a radio network, Dial-Global, where she hopes to gain experience in broadcasting. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys reading fashion magazines cover-to-cover, learning how to cook without smoking out a house, as well as finding gems in thrift stores. She takes pleasure in writing and blogging while listening to great music including two of her favorites: John Butler Trio and Phoenix. After college, Sarah plans to attend journalism school to pursue a career in broadcast journalism and she hopes to eventally work for Vanity Fair.