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eNVied Apparel: JMU’s Student-Founded Yoga Company

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

eNVied Apparel was founded in March of 2013 by JMU students Daniel Dziuba and Zack Katcher for the College of Business. Their business was awarded 1st place at the JMU Venture Creation Competition as the “Most Viable Business” on April 29, 2013. I’m sure you’re wondering why and how two males came up with this idea, and what makes them different. Well, these yoga pants have pockets!

This line of female active-wear adheres to today’s lifestyle demands; the SmartFit pocket (located on the right upper thigh) keeps things such as your phone, keys, JACard etc. secure in a pocket, leaving your hands free. So let’s go back to the question of how this business got started. eNVied Apparel’s Facebook page states, “As college students at a female dominant university, it quickly became apparent that woman have two loves in this world: Smartphones and Yoga pants.” I am sure that most of the JMU population can agree on this. There is also the logic that “Girls love them for the style, comfort, and fashionable appeal… I mean they literally match with anything!”

So what’s with the pocket? That’s an easy one! We don’t want to carry around silly purses and backpacks all the time. Let’s be honest. eNVied Apparel’s creators said, “We could solve this problem! After countless research, feedback and 7 iterations down the road, the SmartFit pocket was born!”

Dziuba and Katcher are currently in the process of expanding their business. They hope to have a representative at several college campuses selling this genius idea. They also have leggings and capris are coming soon! All products are available in sizes x-small, small, medium, and large. If you have additional questions or are interested in getting your hands on these sexy yoga pants with pockets, check out the eNVied Apparel Facebook page!

Have you ever thought "Am I the only one who..."? I'm sure you have, and I promise you're not. Live the life you love. I don't take things too seriously, because life is too short to be so obsessed with what everyone thinks of me. I became a writer so I could say what everyone else is thinking. I believe that treating others the way you want to be treated means you will never have to regret a decision you make. I make mistakes, but that's what makes great articles!