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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

As college students, we all try and balance school work, clubs and organizations, and fun (some of us more successfully than others). But let’s face it- it is definitely not easy and Drea Ewen isn’t your average collegiette by any means. When she isn’t practicing with the Club Gymnastics team, you can find this savvy girl helping out her fellow Dukes at the Science and Math Learning Center.

Originally from Ashburn, Virginia, this sophomore mathematics major has loved everything about JMU, from the faculty, to her friends, to her strongly growing friendship with E-Hall.
Drea sat down to tell HerCampus JMU all about her favorite parts about JMU, gymnastics, and math. So let’s see what this collegiette told us…

HCJMU: What brought you to JMU last year? 

DE: There are many things that brought me to JMU. Not only did it have my major, but it was also affordable. I almost went to a school out of state, but price became a huge contributing factor, and I am so happy I ultimately chose JMU. Also, my sister goes here. After telling me everything great about it, I decided it was the place for me. Now, I could never imagine myself anywhere else. 
HCJMU: Now the question on everyone’s mind. Why math?

DE: Going into college, I actually wasn’t sure what I wanted my major to be or what I wanted to do in the future. I ended up choosing math because it had always been my best subject in high school, and I enjoyed it. I like the challenge of solving puzzles and working to find the final answer. It’s always a great feeling when the light bulb goes off and you get the answer after struggling with a problem for so long.
HCJMU:What has being on the Club Gymnastics team been like?

DE: Being on the club gymnastics team has definitely been a huge contributing factor in defining my time here at JMU. When I first joined the team last year, everyone on the team was so welcoming and made the transition from high school to college much easier. The team has truly become my best friends here at JMU. Club gymnastics in college is definitely different than the club gymnastics I did for over ten years before JMU. First off, there is no coach. Therefore, everyone has to help each other in order to improve and stay motivated. Also, even though it is encouraged, you don’t even have to compete if you don’t want to. In addition, there is a wide range of skill level from gymnast to gymnast; ranging from people who have never done gymnastics before, to people who have been competing for years. 

HCJMU: What’s your favorite event and memory so far?

DE: My favorite and best event by far would have to be bars. Ever since I was little, I’ve just always enjoyed swinging and learning new skills on bars. It just never gets old. My favorite memory would definitely have to be Nationals last year in Richmond. Our team really bonded that weekend and it was just so much fun spending so much time with all my favorite people. Also, everyone showed off their best routines, and we ended up getting 7th as a team in the finals! Having such a great time at Nationals last year just makes me that much more excited when we go to Salt Lake City for Nationals this year.
HCJMU:What is it like working in the Science and Math Learning Center?

DE:I love the good feeling I get from helping people better understand the subject I love. I always feel good when a student comes in the next week to tell me they passed their test because the help I gave them. Also, I really enjoy getting to know the other tutors. They are all such great people and I’m so happy I’ve gotten a chance to get to know them. Overall, it is a very rewarding job. 
HCJMU: With finals in the future, any quick math study tips for other collegiettes?

DE:Don’t psych yourself out. A lot of students come into the SMLC convinced that they just can’t do math. If you stay optimistic and work the problem out step by step, you’ll realize you really can do it. But also never forget if you need some extra help from someone, stop by the SMLC and there are plenty of tutors that are happy to help you.

Chantal Johnson is a senior at James Madison University, studying Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Digital Video and Cinema. Aside from Her Campus JMU, she is involved with University Program Board. Chantal loves hanging out with her friends, listening to her "feel good" playlist on her iPod, or just curling up with a really good book in her spare time. Chantal loves her hometown, Roanoke,Virginia, but can't wait to graduate and explore her opportunities around the world! Within the next 10 years, Chantal's dream job would be becoming "the next Shonda Rhimes"!