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The Democratic National Debate as Told by Snapchat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

As we all know, the first Democratic National Debate took place last night. The five candidates took to the stage to discuss the important issues they will face should they be elected in 2016. As always, our trusty Snapchat news team was there to make sure that those who missed the debate didn’t have to miss out on all of the action.

The debate opened up to a lively audience and even livelier candidates. While traditionally it is the moderator who asks all of the questions, Bernie decided to open it up with one of his own.

Meanwhile, Hillary ‘No-Time-For-Your-Email-Questions’ Clinton was busy admiring the view. It seems even powerful women have been known to fall for men featured on the Hot Dads Instagram page.

As Bernie tried to recount the day’s events and Hillary tried to refocus her attention, some uncomfortable facts about Jim Webb became indisputably apparent.

At that fashion faux pas, Hillary immediately snapped to attention, noting that the debate roster wasn’t the only list Jim would be making that night.

Bernie, caught in the middle, only had one thing on his mind.

While the other candidates contemplated appropriate clothing wear time, Lincoln Chafee (looking a little shell-shocked, might we add)  consulted his campaign manager.

Though issues like global warming and civil justice were touched upon, the real question on everyone’s minds was whether or not @ObamaHope4Change2012 ever followed Hillary back on Twitter.

Well, on almost everyone’s mind.

While Bernie contemplated his rumbling stomach, Martin O’Malley contemplated the depth of his growing love for Hillary. #MillaryIsEndgame, am I right?

Although, we were seeing some sparks between these two flying all night. #HillernieIsOTP?

As the debate came to a close, Bernie finally got an answer to his question. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to be the answer he was looking for.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, brings us to the close of our first Democratic Debate. We hope you enjoyed our play-by-play report of the night’s highlights and we want to thank YOU for making us your #1 go to for all of 2016 Election updates.

Writer of words and animal sweater enthusiast.Twitter- @SydneyEsThierInstagram- @sydney_esther
Hey everyone! I'm Megan, a senior at James Madison University pursuing a double major in the School of Media Arts and Design (with a concentration in journalism) and political science, and a minor in political communication. I am an avid Netflix viewer, obsessed with breakfast foods, and a yogi-- queue the headstand. I love to read news and stay up to date with all things pop culture...and I also love to write, go figure! Due to extreme wanderlust, I am always on the move, and I look forward to traveling the world and whatever comes with it. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you have. Enjoy!