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A Collegiette’s™ Guide to Winter: Five Things You Won’t Want to be Caught Without!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

Tis the season… of dry skin, chapped lips, awful colds – and did we mention Valentine’s Day is only a month away? With all of these added stresses on top of the commotion that comes with the start of a new semester, make sure you have these five things with you at all times to avoid any added stress to your academic, social and love life!
No one wants to kiss chapped lips!

… And they aren’t very comfortable for you either! Possibly the most important thing you’ll want to throw in all your bags this season is a chapstick. I try to keep a strawberry or vanilla flavored one in all the bags I use on a regular basis and also one in my car. That way, if I change bags and forget to grab my chapstick, I’m not left licking my lips as I trek through the cold this winter. If you’re constantly thinking about whether or not your lips are cracking, it’s going to be even harder to focus on that cute guy in your history class. 

Is that a bat in the cave!?
Ok we get it; it’s cold and flu season. But that does not, under any circumstances, make it ok for you to be walking around with a drippy nose or to be the sniffling kid in class. Collegiettes don’t drip! Get those Kleenex to go tissues and put them in your bag. Keep them there at all times because you never know when a cold will strike this winter! 

To keep you warm for “infinity”…
My new favorite trend this winter has got to be the infinity scarf. They come in different lengths, prints and textures and complete every outfit. But best of all, they keep you warm and toasty! Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, Express, Banana Republic and American Apparel are just a few of the many places this staple item can be found.
There is nothing more frustrating in the wintertime than dry skin! Sometimes it seems like no matter how much you moisturize, your skin gets dry and flakey again. This is NOT an attractive trait. To battle dry skin this winter you’ll want to get two types of lotion: one to use on just your face so your guy can get as close as possible without you feeling insecure, and another for your hands, elbows and legs. Although you aren’t showing your legs on a normal basis anymore, it’s still slightly embarrassing to walk around the gym in your little shorts without having used lotion beforehand.

Still be a Bronze Goddess

Yes, it’s the wintertime. No, you should not be the color of Frosty the Snowman. Some sort of self-tanner or a good bronzer is a must for every collegiette this time of year. As your summer glow starts to fade and the warm weather seems far away, a little color will help boost your confidence when you’re out in those tiny dresses. Jeurgens, Aveeno and Dove are just some of the many good lotions that gradually help to give you a summer glow. Apply like a daily moisturizer and keep that skin looking sun-kissed all winter long! Add some bronzer for your face and you’ll be hot-to-trot!

Of course there are tons of other important purse stuffers out there but if you have these five things on you at all times this season, you’ll be sure to be looking and feeling beautiful!
I'm currently a Senior WRTC major and Human Resource Development minor at James Madison University. I'm an executive member of Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority and also an executive member of the Human Resource Development Club. I've been involved in HerCampus JMU since my freshman year and am from New Fairfield, CT!
Chantal Johnson is a senior at James Madison University, studying Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Digital Video and Cinema. Aside from Her Campus JMU, she is involved with University Program Board. Chantal loves hanging out with her friends, listening to her "feel good" playlist on her iPod, or just curling up with a really good book in her spare time. Chantal loves her hometown, Roanoke,Virginia, but can't wait to graduate and explore her opportunities around the world! Within the next 10 years, Chantal's dream job would be becoming "the next Shonda Rhimes"!