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Zombie Tiers and How to Survive Them

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

So, you’re stuck in a zombie apocalypse and need to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic world. Okay, maybe you’re not, but as someone who loves zombie films my mind often travels there, especially during the Halloween season! If you’re like me, a good list always brings some comfort. So, here is my breakdown of different zombies and how to survive each type.


This tier holds all of the original zombies, the type that crawl out of the grave on a full moon and walk around mumbling nonsense like the word “BRAINS” over and over again. Historically, this could lead us all the way back to Ancient Greece and the first representations of the undead, but for now let’s focus on the pop culture sphere. White Zombie and Frankenstein were the first movies in Hollywood to portray this idea of the dead rising, while Night of the Living Dead, directed by George Romero, solidified the horror of these lumbering creatures. 

Now, in regard to surviving, these types of zombies are ones that you should be able to avoid during a zombie apocalypse. As long as you don’t get too close and you have a good pep in your step, you should be fine. They are strong, though, so if you get caught you might need a heavy dumbbell to help you escape!

Walking Dead

Whether or not you’ve seen the show, The Walking Dead (TWD) changed the way we view zombies on the big screen. Robert Kirkman, inspired by Romero, first released his comics which inspired the series in 2003, and they were made into a TV show in 2010. While these zombies also lumber around, they are extremely dangerous in groups and get more violent than the original zombies. The creation of these zombies also differs from past interactions with undead creatures in pop culture (slight spoilers ahead!). In the TWD universe, instead of people suddenly rising from their graves, it’s an airborne virus that initiates the zombification. When people die, they are reanimated as zombies. You can also “turn” (into a zombie) when you get bitten, scratched or otherwise exposed by blood. Of course, with all of the seasons and spin-offs, these zombies have evolved further, but this tier revolves around the show’s earlier concepts. 

If you’ve seen TWD, then you’ll probably have a laundry list of what not to do during this zombie apocalypse. Similar to the Originals tier, just stay away. If you need to fight, fight individual zombies and don’t get stuck with a group of them. These zombies can die out or go dormant on their own if they don’t consume anything, so it quickly becomes a waiting game.


Modern zombies span a shorter period of time within pop culture compared to some other tiers. Starting with 28 Days Later, Zombieland and World War Z, the modern zombie builds upon previous iterations and then shifts the culture to add more levels of horror and expand on what being a zombie truly means. The biggest change from the TWD tier to the modern tier is the running zombie. Yes, get ready to run for your life. These zombie outbreaks start with a virus (or some other external factor) which then spreads through blood and bite contact. These zombies also typically have one specific strength (sound/sight) and a specific weakness (fire, double-tap, or self-infection). Zombies in these universes have one goal in mind, which is to turn other people into zombies. It’s not just one for all anymore. Conversely, we have also received shows and movies such as Warm Bodies or iZombie. These pieces of media explore the perspective of the zombie. Is it possible for zombified people to retain their humanity? 

To survive modern zombies, I hope you can run and dodge. Those days of running a mile in P.E. class have come back to haunt you. Scaling trees is not the best idea anymore, sadly, given that these zombies are strong enough to shake you down. Stock up on food, find the weakness, and get a good team together.


This tier is ever-changing because it exits in the present day. What makes a contemporary zombie really depends on the actions and ideas of future creatives. What do we keep from past versions and what do we want to build on? We’ve received even more humanity-driven zombie films such as Z-O-M-B-I-E-S or Cargo, and more horror-centric zombie films like Army of the Dead. It’s an exciting prospect to see what we continue to come up with in the next few years!

Because of the changing nature of this tier, I would just suggest being generally prepared. Watch new films and be ready for anything.

SOUTH Korean

Now, hear me out. South Korean zombie films and shows are on their own tier because they have revolutionized zombie concepts. Sprinting solider zombies? Get ready for Train to Busan. Zombies climbing up walls? Go watch #Alive. Half zombie, half human? Enjoy All of Us Are Dead. South Korea has become known for their creative zombie concepts, so much so that they have a new reality TV show, Zombieverse, to see how ordinary people could survive a zombie apocalypse. I always keep an eye on what shows and movies they are releasing.

To survive these zombies, I would hope you have some decent plot armor and have a strong fight drive. Or you’re the camera man. They always seem to survive.

Of course, these tiers are very broad and you can easily narrow them down further. Try to craft your own tiers and then see which zombie movies and shows fall where! 

You'll find Katharine either scrolling through the trivia section on IMDB, contemplating the meaning of life, or yelling at T.V. characters.