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No Texting Tuesdays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

     How much time a day do you think you spend on your phone? The other day, my roommate and I figured out that we probably spend upwards of two hours on our phones every day—and most of this time is spent on  various social media outlets (see Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat…etc).

     As members of Generation Y, we have spent the majority of our lives experiencing the evolution of social media. This means that, unfortunately, there is nobody older or wiser than us to coach us on the “do’s and don’ts” of online networking. On top of this, we are conditioned to expect perfection. Take Facebook, for example–an amalgamation of only the best qualities, most flattering pictures and memorable moments catalogued into a profile that we use as an accurate gauge of any individual. We don’t see people for who they truly are, but rather for who they are portraying themselves to be on social media.  

     I can’t completely argue against social media though; I think it is an invaluable tool for planning events, networking and sharing news with “friends.” With this in mind, my roommate and I decided to start “no texting Tuesdays,” where we pledged to not send text messages or use social media for 24 hours every Tuesday. So far, the results have been substantial—Tuesdays are my most productive days by far, but also the days when I have time to pause and think for myself for a little without the distraction of constant notifications.

     These days, it is kind of unrealistic and a little drastic to get rid of social media altogether—but it is definitely possible to avoid it for a day!