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Kanye 2020, a Student’s Guide to Politics: Averting Our Eyes to Mass Gun Violence

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

Early this Friday morning, a fatal shooting occurred at Northern Arizona University. A freshman male shot four others multiple times near the Greek Life dormitories around 1 a.m. It occurred after a “confrontation” turned physical between two groups of students. The shooter was taken under custody and cooperated with police.

One student, Colin Brough, has been pronounced dead while the other three victims were rushed to get medical help at a nearby health center. All four victims of this horrific event are members of the Delta Chi Fraternity.

Hours later, around 11:30 am, another fatal shooting occurred on a college campus. This one was at Texas Southern University. One student has been pronounced dead while another, wounded. Police still are searching for a suspect after releasing two detainees. This is the third shooting at TSU in the past two months alone.

These two tragedies come only eight days after the heartbreak at Umpqua Community College in Oregon where a student opened fire in a classroom before killing himself. In total, ten people were killed on October 1st. 

Obama said it best after what transpired at Umpqua Community college: “Somehow this has become routine. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine. The conversation in the aftermath of it. We’ve become numb to this.”

This is no longer a shocking event – mass shootings are a reality of our time and a legitimate fear of anyone spending time at a college campus. I ask you this: How many more people need to die before strict gun control laws become a reality in our legislation? Is strict gun control the answer that victims and their families have been waiting for? 


Photo Credit: http://chippewa.com/dead-wounded-in-shooting-at-northern-arizona-univers…

Ivana is currently a senior at JHU double majoring in International Relations and Latin American Studies with a minor in Psychology. In her free time from all these scholarly pursuits, she's just a girl in the world enjoying reality TV, eye makeup and high heeled boots. Check out her blog: Kanye 2020, A Student's Guide to Politics where she reports on anything going on in the realm of American politics  
Megan DiTrolio is a writing seminars major at Johns Hopkins University.