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JHU’s Top 7 Best Kept Secrets You Need to Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

With only forty-seven days left until I am a graduate of Johns Hopkins University (silent moment of mourning please) I’ve decided to share with you some of JHU’s Top Secrets I wish I had known about earlier. I hope they knock your socks off and change your life!


1. You Can Print in Levering

Wait, what? Yeah. Discovered this on Thursday. Tired of waiting in line and running late for class? Then after your Levering lunch head upstairs and print there. Another Levering fun fact—you can use your dining dollars at the café upstairs!



2. Make Your Own Buttons

Have a design you really like, running for SGA, or want to promote your club? You can easily rent a button maker from the DMC. You can also buy your own supplies online and they’ll help you find a website with dimensions that work. They also go over a tutorial about the machine before you rent it so you can start right away. 


3. Free Paint Night

Every Saturday night there is a FREE paint night in the Mattin Center. So if you’re looking for something to do, or just want to practice that finger painting, grab some friends and have a fun, free night!



4. Store Your Luggage for Free

Live in Commons and are always tripping over your suitcase and are just dying for some extra storage space? Well, guess what? There is actually a luggage room on each floor of Commons. Just ask your RA, who has the key, and they’ll let you put your suitcase there.


5. Free House Safety Inspections

Living where we do and getting all the security announcements, we’ve all come to realize that we need to be a little more cognizant about house safety. Good thing the university has realized this as well. You can e-mail or call campus safety and security and they will come to your house and create your own safety list, which you can then present to your landlord. 


6.  Rent a Cotton Candy Maker from Dining

JHU Dining recently invested in a cotton candy maker, snow cone machine, popcorn machine, and soft pretzel wheel. Students groups are welcome to rent the machine from them for the cost of the food they use. So if you want to spice up one of your club meetings or events, this is the way to do it!


7. Free Cookies

Every Wednesday from 3:30-5:00pm the Interfaith Center (right on St. Paul and University) has free cookie and teatime. This is not a joke. This is EVERY Wednesday. FREE. COOKIES. They also have their own ice cream freezer, which is open for the taking whenever they are. So yeah, they also have free ice cream.



I hope you’ve enjoyed getting your mind blown. Enjoy this new JHU!