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Heading Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

Written By Audrey Hazel

The thing that I love most about my house in Oregon is that it is cozy. There is a fireplace, which right now has stockings hanging from the mantel and a christmas tree in the corner by the kitchen that is strung with lights and has my mom’s favorite angel on top. In my mind’s eye I can see my dog passed out by the fire, my dad napping in our oversized chair, and my mom drinking a glass of wine and watching a christmas movie. I can smell the cinnamon rolls she’s baking in the oven. Participating in this simple moment is what I look forward to most going home for this holiday vacation. I just want to spend time with my family, pet my dog, and relax. I am also definitely looking forward to sleeping in my full size bed in a room by myself, and more importantly, I am so relieved at the thought of not having to do school work for the next few weeks. I will also get to spend time with extended family during the christmas season, and I always look forward to seeing them. This holiday break will be a much needed recharge with the people I love most.  

In addition to seeing my family, I am so excited to see my best friend and eat at my favorite restaurants. My favorite places are a bagel shop called Ahuva Bagels which makes an amazing bagel topped with cream cheese, avocado and pesto that I could eat every day; Morning Glory, which is a breakfast food place that makes lemon ricotta stuffed french toast that is to die for, and my favorite coffee shop, Downtowne Coffee which makes amazing chai tea.  All in all, I’m really just excited for a break from the FFC which while it always has enough food, is not always the most delicious.  

The one other thing I am really looking forward to is hiking. I grew up in a valley surrounded by great hiking trails, something I cannot say about Baltimore. I can’t wait to climb to some of my favorite views, as well as ski on Mt. Ashland which is about 20 minutes from my house.  

To me, home is all I had ever known before the last five months. It will be very strange to go back after my first semester. I have changed so much, and things have changed back home, but it will also be so nice to spend some time with people who have known me for my entire life.