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6 Tips for a Successful Internship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

Taking on a summer internship can be incredible but daunting at the same time. It is that awkward step between summers lounging at the beach with friends and basically, the real world with salaries and suits. Eek!

Luckily, there are tons of tips out there to help through those three months this summer and make your internship go as smoothly as possibble. But those tons of tips can get really overwhelming!

Have no fear! Here at Her Campus JHU we’ve complied the best advice into 6 ways to make your internship experience and summer amazing!

1) Whether it is completing an assignment or going to a meeting, punctuality is a necessity. Be on time!

2) What you will get out of your internship is what you put into it. A rewarding internship comes from being proactive. Ask for more work. Do more than what you are asked to do on a project.

3) You will make mistakes. When that happens, understand and recognize the difference between criticism and constructive criticism. It is always the latter, so take notes.

4) Say yes to everything—extra projects, an invitation to a client event, attending a meeting, all of it.

5) Keep it short, sweet and to your point. Whether it is emails, pitches, questions or explanations, make sure you know your audience and proofread everything you write (even a sticky note). A few extra minutes of editing and reflecting is always better than an awkward follow up of “oops!”

6) Be present. Put down the cell phone, stop texting, get off Facebook and pay attention to everything going on around you. You will learn the most from simply listening.

Do you have any good tips for a successful internship experience? Where are you interning this summer? Tweet at us!

Gabrielle Cohen is an international studies major in the class of 2013 at The Johns Hopkins University. Born and raised in New England suburbia, she is the founder of Her Campus Johns Hopkins and is a member of Phi Mu. In the fall of 2011, she studied in Rome, Italy before returing to Hopkins! Follow her on Twitter at @gabrielleeanna!