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5 Rules For Finding a Boyfriend in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.



Most of us find ourselves trapped in the weird college culture known as the “hook-up culture,” a weird middle ground where nobody really knows what he or she is to the other; all they know is that they are intimate (to any extent) with a certain person (or several people). Regardless of it happens once or regularly, whether it’s just a DFMO (dance floor make out) or a more sexual encounter, this is what we, as college students, refer to as “hooking up.” Many girls and guys alike are content with this culture: it means no strings attached, minimal time commitment, and no heartbreaks. However, though few and far between, occasionally we girls will find ourselves wanting a boyfriend—here are 5 surefire ways to get yourself on the right track towards that relationship you’ve been longing for.

1.      Don’t be too eager

The biggest turn off for a guy is a girl who is too clingy. Everybody likes a challenge. Don’t always be the one to text first or the one always making plans to hang out. Let them come to you. That way, when they do text you, you can let them sweat it for a second. Don’t let them know you think about them all the time and plan your day around all possible “random” encounters with said person. Be cool, ladies.

2.      Don’t be too easy

Some guys just want to get laid, and these are not usually the same guys who are looking for girlfriends. If you meet a nice boy, take it slow. Of course everybody has individual preferences when it comes to this, but you don’t want to be that girl. Chances are if you meet this boy at a party and all you manage to squeeze in is, “what’s your name?” before he slobbers all over you, he isn’t looking for a girlfriend. Don’t assume that just because you give it up, this means that you’ll be getting a callback. Make sure you know what you’re getting into before you become victim of the all too classic “hit it and quit it.”

3.      Don’t go for the off-limits guy

As sexy as the guy with the girlfriend is, don’t do it. He has a girlfriend! How much more in-your-face-glaringly-obvious could it be? There is a very good chance that the guy with a girlfriend isn’t looking for a girlfriend. You are always going to fall second to the girl who came first in this case, and that’s not a healthy way to approach a possible future relationship. Not to mention, this classifies you as what is commonly referred to as a “home-wrecker.”

4.      Be yourself

This seems obvious, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to ignore the real you when you’re trying to impress a boy (or anyone, for that matter). Don’t let this come in the way of letting the real you shine through. The last thing you want is to end up in a relationship where you feel like you have to pretend you’re someone you’re not.

5.      Patience is key

Seriously, ladies. If you’re impatient you’re going to be more likely to settle, rather than waiting for prince charming to come around. That being said, don’t expect the perfect man to present himself at your door, because when prince charming finally does come around he isn’t going to be perfect, and that will make him all the more lovable.


You are all fabulous, and you all deserve the moon and the stars. Boys will be boys though; don’t feel discouraged if your search for a boyfriend yields no results. All in due time! Until then, put on a sexy dress and spend a night with the ladies!