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12 Things To Look Forward to This Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JHU chapter.

The End of Classes and Finals

Sometimes I feel like I’m one of Pavlov’s dogs; once I start to hear Christmas carols, jingle bells, or see Gilman lit up like a Christmas tree, my brain starts to go on “break mode.” The holiday season is here! Time to go home, snuggle up by the fire, sip some hot chocolate and play with my dog. But, oh wait, there’s still two weeks of finals that stand between me and my dreams of a white Christmas coming true? Well, fantastic. Thanks for putting me in a cheery holiday mood, only to break my spirit with three papers, and four exams packed into the span of two weeks. Cue endless nights and mornings in the library. Winter break couldn’t come soon enough.

Christmas Sweaters

Ugly Christmas sweater parties. Holiday spirit. No matter what the reason, nowadays holiday sweaters are an essential part of any college student’s wardrobe. During the month of December you will inevitably be invited to numerous “Holiday” themed parties where you’re expected to wear your most atrocious sweater decked out with Santa, reindeer, trees, snow men, mistletoe, and jewels appliqued on top.  One of my friends even has a blue one with a giant menorah on the front. You’ll spend the rest of the night comparing and rating the ridiculousness of each person’s sweater. And we’ll wonder how they were ever actually in style, but secretly we love them. They may have been found in the back corner of a thrift store, and they may stay buried in the back of your closet all year, but they are one of the staple items of your wardrobe. Don’t deny it. We all have one. And we are all secretly proud of it. Who doesn’t like showing a little holiday spirit anyways?

Holiday Themed TV Movies

Just tune into ABC Family’s 12 days of Christmas, and you’ll realize just how many holiday themed movies are out there. But I’m not talking about the good ones like Elf, or the classics, like Nightmare Before Christmas, I’m talking about the absurdly cheesy, absurdly cheery, made for TV holiday movies that are basically like any other bad, sappy, rom-com that appears on TV. Expect we love spending hours watching these ones, because they take place somewhere where it’s perpetually snowing, everyone decks their house with too many Christmas lights, the ending kiss takes place under the mistletoe, and holiday cheer always wins over evil non-believers. Any other time of the year these movies are unbearable to watch, but the holiday season makes all of us a little more optimistic and forgiving.

Big Blockbuster Releases

Hollywood studios know college-aged kids never have time to go to the movies during the semester. There are exams to study for, there are parties to go to, and there are things going on campus. Who has time to trek to the theater to see a movie for $14? Hello? Poor college student here…But, if there’s one time studios know everyone will be home with lots of free time, it’s the holidays. The studios know that inevitably after all the feasting and gifting, “family time” will get to be a little much, and we’ll need a distraction. Enter the big blockbusters to save the holiday season from an overdose of family reunions, Christmas carols, and sugar cookies. This season make sure you check out The Hobbit, and Les Misérables. Two highly anticipated December releases that people are sure to be talking about after break.

Welcoming in a New Year

Let’s face it – this New Year’s (if we make it) is going to be the biggest celebration ever. We’re not only celebrating a new year, but the survival of the human race. We will have proved the Mayans wrong. We will have averted the apocalypse. The world will not end, (at least not yet). And all college seniors will have the chance to survive spring semester and make it to graduation. Also, the fact that the last day of finals and my fight home coincide with the official day the world is supposed to end, December 21, 2012, is just a cruel coincidence. So, if I survive that I’ll be thrilled. There’s a lot to celebrate at the end of this year, and I for one can’t wait to break open the champagne.

And 7 more things to look forward to this holiday season that really need no explanation:

  • Quality time with friends and family
  • Watching people light up when they open the perfect present
  • Skiing/Snowboarding adventures
  • Home-cooked meals, and not having to pay for laundry with quarters…
  • Peppermint Mochas
  • Free time

With almost a month and a half before the start of spring semester, what are you looking forward to this Winter Break?