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Tips on Christmas Shopping That You Won’t Want to Miss!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

Yes, I know that it is still November. And yes, there are still a couple of weeks until Christmas. But what better time to start shopping for your loved ones than now? There is no point in waiting until the week before Christmas to shop, as this will just cause you a headache and will not guarantee you will get the best gift for everyone. Here are some tips to allow you to relax and enjoy the holidays as they get closer and ensure that your family and friends receive exactly what they want!

Start Shopping Early

Even though it is very tempting to procrastinate on shopping for Christmas, it is the last thing that you should do! Waiting until the last minute to buy gifts adds to the risk of not getting everything that you wanted to get for everyone, as well as having to worry if the gifts will come in time for Christmas or not. It is never too early to start shopping, especially since you can relax and enjoy the holidays without all of the stress!

Make a List to Keep Track

Especially as you get older, you always want to buy gifts for all your friends and family, as they are very important parts of your life. Sometimes it can get hectic buying for all these people, and you may begin to forget what you bought for who! Always keep track of what you already bought, what you still need to buy, and who you bought that gift for. Whether you keep track on paper or the “Notes” app on your phone, it is better to stay organized during the holidays!

Online Shop First

It is always better to buy what you need online before going into the stores, especially around this time! Malls and shopping centers are always hectic around this time, so why not save yourself the hassle! If you can get it online, get it online! 

Buy Gifts from the Same Stores

Most of the time, especially around the holidays, stores often have deals where you spend a certain amount of money and get a good discount off your order. Whether this is 20% off or free shipping, anything is better than nothing! On top of that, it limits the number of stores that you must go to or the number of packages you must keep track of!

Coupon Like Crazy!

If there is a coupon for it, use it! Stores often increase their prices during the holidays and when their inventory switches from fall to winter, so finding coupons is the way to go. If the store does not have a specific sale going on themselves, it is worth checking apps like “Groupon” to see if there are deals. The less you must spend, the better!

Olivia Robb

Jefferson '26

Hi! My name is Olivia Robb and I am a first-year Pre-Medical Studies major here at TJU! I love many things from makeup to Marvel and I am so excited to be a part of this group!