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The Sweet Secret Behind College Student Success

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

In my first few weeks back at school, I’ve noticed a trend happening with myself and my roommates. We’ve found that the more boxes of brownies we make, the happier we are throughout the week. That’s a weird correlation to notice, but it makes sense if you think about it. Almost everyone has a sweet tooth, and brownies are relatively cheap to buy at the store, so it’s natural that we all turn to them. I also finally have an apartment that has a full kitchen, so I’ve been itching to bake. Since I’ve deemed myself as a brownie expert of sorts, I’m going to share my tips and tricks to make the perfect (boxed) brownies.

First, you need to choose the type of brownies carefully. Do you like fudgy brownies? Cakey? Double chocolate? When I wandered down the baking aisle at the grocery store, I was astounded by all the flavors of brownies, most of which I have never heard of. My personal favorites are the Betty Crocker fudgy brownies, but anything with lots of chocolate works as well.

Next, you have to accessorize your brownies. M&M’s, chocolate/peanut butter chips, and even pretzel pieces are great ways to add pizzazz to your brownies and even makes it feel like they were made from scratch. Also, be mindful of the pan you use. I have a deep square pan that crisps up the edges but leaves the middle nice and soft. It’s important to have the best of both worlds when making brownies.

Coming out of the oven, make sure to let your brownies sit before digging in. I learned this one the hard way by immediately cutting the brownies (and subsequently making a mess) a few minutes after they came out. If you can restrain yourself, I recommend waiting at least 10 minutes to get a crisp cut. This makes it easier to grab without crumbling, which is a must for snacking while studying.

Brownies have saved my Tuesday’s, as I have five classes that day and am so drained after I come back. One day I came home and one of my roommates suggested brownies to make us feel better, and the rest was history. We have our weekly (and sometimes twice weekly) brownie making session and add them to the staple grocery list. I’ve seen a drastic improvement in my mood on the days I have brownies compared to the days I don’t. They’re a wonderful tool to utilize while studying, whether it be as an incentive to keep studying or just a pick-me-up for a rough night. I can honestly thank my sweet tooth for the grades I get, and my roommates can thank it too for my happier mood.

Emily Philippi

Jefferson '26

My name is Emily and I'm currently a pre-med student at Thomas Jefferson University. In my free time I love to read, work out, go on hikes, and spend time with my two cats!